Next Steps

Our Next Steps page aims to give you some ideas of what you can do next, be it following-up on what you heard today, or checking out relevant events organised by other groups.

This page is actively being updated in January 2021.

Take the next step and take charge of your own learning!

Post-Event Survey Forms

Find links to post-event survey forms here. This is where you can give us feedback on the session(s) and do a short personal reflection.

Based on what was shared during

SESSION 1: UNFCCC & what to expect in 2021

  • Speaker's Slides: Mr. Joseph Teo (Twitter)

(final) Annex A - Slides for SYCA S-COY-OE.pdf
  • Speaker's Slides: Marie-Claire (Twitter)

Marie-Claire (YOUNGO)'s SCOY Speaker Slides.pdf
Natalia (NDC Partnership)'s SCOY Speaker Slides.pdf
  • Speaker's Slides: Swati Mandloi

S-COY Presentation [Swati].pdf

Events you can join

STEPUP#2 - UNFCCC Structure

Do you want to know more about UNFCCC and Constituencies? StepUP! with us!

The second move is on January 24 h14.30 UTC with “UNFCCC Structure”

Register here:

Let’s move to Glasgow, learn,connect and Build initiative together

UNDP Climate Promise Youth Dialogue

The UNDP Climate Promise Youth Dialogue will take place during February 09-10, 2021, aiming to enhance youth empowerment for climate actions in the lead up to the Asia-Pacific Climate Week and the COP 26 in the United Kingdom and beyond.

It also aims to strengthen collaborations between young leaders and key actors such as governments, civil society, the private sector etc.

Things to expect from this dialogue are stories of young changemakers and industry influencers, essential knowledge and discussions for various participant groups such as youth and government leaders.

In addition, a knowledge and collaboration platform will be launched with the key actions by various organizations and individuals.

Register and be a participant:

5th Annual Wee Kim Wee-Soka International Seminar on Global Peace and Understanding

This 1-day international seminar will feature three provocative frontiers of dialogue from scholars and public figures, who will discuss the intersections, opportunities, and challenges between the Global and the Local. The 3 multidisciplinary panels will explore local collective memories and their influence on reconciliation and justice on the global stage, local responses and solutions to the global problem of climate change and the limits and possibilities of the emerging field of digital cultures. Through our dynamic local and international speakers, this edition will delve into the envisioned or re-imagine the world we want to live and thrive in locally and globally.

Do check out the programme details and register at before 20 January to receive the meeting link. All are welcome to attend this online Seminar.

5th Annual Wee Kim Wee-Soka International Seminar on Global Peace and Understanding

Catch our director Prof. Koh Lian Pin discuss how science can inform effective policy-making for enabling climate action and biodiversity conservation at this upcoming webinar hosted by the NUS School Design & Environment!

22 January 2021, 6:30 PM SGT

Register at:

Climate Conversations with Lian Pin Koh

Climate Conversations with Lian Pin Koh
26 January 2021 (Tuesday) | 5-6pm
Livestream talk followed by Q&A

Facebook Event page

Renowned ecologist and environmental scientist Lian Pin Koh (Professor of Conservation Science, Technology and Policy in the Department of Biological Sciences, and Director of the NUS Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions) joins us in the penultimate session in Climate Conversations series with his talk, Promises and Pitfalls of Nature-based Climate Solutions.

Nature-based climate solutions are essentially ways of leveraging Nature’s superpower of carbon storage and sequestration through photosynthesis to help us tackle the challenge of climate change. Examples of these solutions include protecting our remaining natural ecosystems, and restoring degraded ones to a more natural state. Although nature-based solutions have great potential for addressing climate impacts, they are not without trade-offs that may limit their outcomes. Professor Koh will speak about how a better understanding of both the potential and limits of nature-based climate solutions is needed to help inform our climate policy and investment decisions.

The programme will be hosted and moderated by Zhang Baoxin (Curator, Public Programmes).


Eco Youth Collective is a group of students from pre-tertiary institutes (JC, Poly and ITE). At EYC, you can:

  • share resources and ideas with a community of like-minded individuals

  • get mentored by experienced leaders to enact change in your school

  • participate in inter-school initiatives and programmes



Based on what was shared during

SESSION 2: CLIMATe education for youth

qiyun's presentation.pdf

Events you can join

Talk: FIction of Knowledge

Featuring: Debbie Ding

Date & Time: Jan 23, 2021 | 02:00 PM Singapore

Debbie Ding: Fiction of Knowledge

Debbie Ding will be sharing about her works exploring the former island of Pulau Saigon as a site of archaeological ambiguities (The Library of Pulau Saigon, 2015), historical landscapes rendered as pulsed laser holograms (War Fronts, 2017), and her most recent 3d video game work re-narrativising her past 10 years of work as wormholes through space and reality (The Legend of Debbie, 2021).

Facebook Live:

Youtube Live:

Rising Tides: Sustainability across our Blue Planet

Rising Tides: Sustainability across our Blue Planet

In partnership with University of Southampton we're proud to present a new #KnowledgeIsGREAT lecture, featuring Dr. Ivan Haigh, Associate Professor in Coastal Oceanography.

Join us next Thursday 28 January, 5-6pm time

Find out more + register here:

Based on what was shared during

SESSION 3: A shifting economy


  • The GreenFinance Industry Taskforce, convened by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), has issued a proposed taxonomy to identify activities considered green or those transitioning towards green, and launched a handbook on implementing environmental risk management. Announced 28 Jan 2021

  • 6 PAP MPs file first parliamentary motion on climate change and its impact on Singapore for Parliamentary sitting on Monday 1 Feb 2021. At least 11 PAP MPs — including seven from the GPC — and one Nominated MP will present several recommendations on climate-related issues such as carbon tax, sustainable development, and climate education. Read TODAY's article and summary of the 10 recommendations.

Job Opportunities

  • Speaker's Slides: Prof. Koh Lian Pin

SCOY Koh slides.pdf

Events you can join


Details and Registration at

Conference Schedule:

The conference will run online via Zoom across 3 sessions:

Friday, 29 January 2021:

  • Session 1 on Sustainability 4:00-6:00pm Dubai Time (8pm to 10pm Singapore time)

Saturday, 30 January 2021:

  • Session 2 on Conservation, 11:00am-1.00pm Dubai Time (3pm to 5pm Singapore time)

  • Session 3 on Innovation, 4:00pm-6.00pm Dubai Time (8pm to 10pm Singapore time)

*Networking: 20 mins prior to the start of Conference

Biodiversity Friends Forum Opening Seminar 2021

The BFF Challenge is back! Join our ever-growing community of BFF as you embark on field trips, biodiversity-exploration and online workshops for exposure to Singapore's wonderful flora and fauna. No experience is required, sign up if you want to learn more about nature.

If you..

  • are interested in biodiversity (no matter how small or big this may be)

  • want to learn more about the biodiversity scene

  • want to do your part in protecting the environment

  • are between 16-35 years old

(used up your SG Rediscover vouchers but still want to discover a different side of Singapore)

Click here to sign up for our opening seminar on 20 Feb:

General Resources

Get yourself plugged into these organisations with youth networks or working on youth issues

Stay up-to-date with environmental events and social causes events in Singapore

Learn more about the Singapore Environment Landscape