MATH OLYMPIAD (4th - 5th)

A fun filled math competition program. The objective is to teach out-of-the-box problem solving, develop mathematical flexibility in solving those problems and foster mathematical creativity and ingenuity. Math Olympiad is a team of students who compete throughout the year.

Please check out the Math Olympiad site for more information.

Math Olympiad participants will earn 3 SLAM points.

For more information, contact John at analeung817(at)yahoo(dot)com.

MATH MADNESS (3rd - 5th)

Math Madness is an online, team-based competition event that takes place each fall and spring enabling students to compete in leagues of weekly competition followed by a nation wide, single elimination bracket tournament.

Please check out the Math Madness website for more information.

1-3 matches: 1 SLAM point

4-6 matches: 2 SLAM points

7 + matches: 3 SLAM points