Zero year: The Maw opens and swallows Ultragarde, the northern most city. Swine immediately begin to flow forth from the pit. So begins the age of Great Slaughter, when ill-prepared human armies were routed time after time by endless hordes of swine. So begins the century of strife. Whereupon humanity suffered loss after loss. The Great Slaughter ensues.

3: Murozund imbibes the dreamscape potion, entering an eternal slumber in search for an answer to the whereabouts of King Irwin II.

101: First battle won: Concordia successfully defended. The Great Slaughter Ends.

124: Concordia falls.

140: All of Northern Yareken, except for a small portion of Ogal’lalah, has fallen.

141: First Kill Squads are established (Nightfire, Faithborne, Deadwind, Hatefury).

144: Miracle at Cork City. Successfully defended.

147: Faith of the Sword and the Shield established.

151: Holy Council Established.

163: Holy Councillor Cathera is martyred by a group of traitors, Once she is recovered, her bones were said to possess holy qualities, making the worship of bones and other bodily objects commonplace thereafter.

168: Holy Inquisition Established.

169: Esethye reduce alliance to non-aggression pact.

173: Holy Inquisition commissions the Brass Serpent from the Pluffie - A heretic execution device.

177: Mol’Tin reduce alliance to non-aggression pact.

198: Sword leaves to go negotiate aid and alliances with Gods and other nations.

202: Rebirth Island rises from the ocean. Human colonization beings.

203: Construction of Bulwark Astra begins.

210: Construction of Bulwark Astra concludes.

250: The dreaming body of Murozund is transported from Highcrown to Rebirth Island, where he still remains asleep to this day.

279: Irikawa falls.

287: Ishinju falls.

288: Refugee agreement with Esethye reached, should it be needed.

298: Freya, the Goddess of life, comes to an agreement with the Sword. Order of the Dryad founded.

299: Highcrown and Storm’s Wake fall. Sword returns. Crusade pact with Pluffie reached.

300: The Reclamation Crusade begins. Highcrown, Storm’s Wake, and Ishinju all liberated. Order of the Hospitaller established.

309: Sword begins preparations for the Floridian Crusade.

311: Pluffie engineer Ogurz: Compliant, faithful gigantic servants created from Org genetic material.

316: Floridian Crusade begins.

322: Shield oversees construction of Trench of Storms: the northern parallel to ensure Floridia and Celestine are cut off from Swine reinforcements.

324: Trench of Storms completed. Shield begins plans for the Celestinian Crusade.

325: Celestinian Crusade begins.

330: Celestinian Crusade overwhelming success. Shield begins sending reinforcements to Floridian Crusade.

331: Shield reinforcements arrive, but underarmed. Army does not engage. Siege of Yackson begins.

335: Shield holds Trench of Storms following massive swine offensive. Reinforcements finally sufficiently armed.

339: Thalahass liberated. Floridian crusade is deemed a success, though the siege of Yackson drastically weakened supply chains. All remaining swine enclaves in Floridia are cleansed. For the first time in well over a hundred years, not a single swine remains in southern Yareken. Staging at the Trench of Storms begins.

343: Pluffie invent prototype salamander.

345: Skyguard finish training new legion of riders. Recruitment for 6 new Kill Squads begin.

346: Kill Squads Faithsinger, Blades of Hatred, Virginborne, Forgemasters, The Quiet Brotherhood, and Hellfire are founded.

347: Southern Yareken Crusade begins. First prototypes of salamanders are employed, to mixed results.

363: First feral swine are discovered in the forgotten depths of Highcrown slums.

390: Port Verde liberated. South Yareken Crusade is a weary victory. Shield begins construction of the Bulwark of Faith, while the Sword returns to Highcrown to begin engaging in more diplomacy.

399: Port Verde successfully defended.

400: Bulwark of Faith finishes construction. Army rebuilds in anticipation for the Northern Yareken Crusade (will also include the Ogal’lalahn Crusade).

409: Pluffie and Sword reach agreement to begin training Ogurz for combat roles.

410: Salamanders approved for widespread combat. The decade of preparation begins.

420: North Yareken Crusade officially begins.

432: “Nobel Lightsinger” “freed” from “captivity” during Kill Squad Bright-Hammer Micrusade.

435: Night Watch created.

491: Plaguehowler Heresy begins. Councilman Corrin and Woman Uranda assassinated at Concordia Accord, sparking the War of the False Diarchy, where upon Tuberculus and NoBell claim true leadership of Tyragarde. Swine rapidly retake lost ground as tens of thousands of Infektiskar’s new recruits battle their former kin.

522: Battle of King’s Fields. When all seems lost, Floridian reinforcements arrive. They aid in pushing the swine and traitor factions all the way back to Concordia. Siege begins. The Foul Trench will be the line of scrimmage for over a hundred years.

638: Tongue-Speaker Trisstiss comes to power (Pluffie, current leader).

639: Pluffie deploy first ever Ogur Siegesquads.

647: As the gates to Concordia are nearly cracked, loyal forces waver. The Kingdom of Night shows up in favor of the loyalists, capturing many traitors and leaving quickly as they arrived.

651: Tyragarde forces reclaim the Port Verde parallel and the Bulwark of Faith. Contra Lighthand and Guillius Pureheart confront NoBell and Tuberculus. End of the Plaguehowler Heresy. Preparations for the Total Yareken Crusade begin.

654: Coronation of Contra Lighthand as High Holy Regent.

666: Total Yareken Crusade begins.

678: Flywyrm liberated, yet low on supplies, all manpower is redirected to the Ogal’lalahn crusade.

697: Flywyrmian Heresy. Flywyrm falls to Infektiskar due to famine and a growing resentment.

707: Ogal’lalahn Crusade ends in victory.

711: Valhallan Trench fully realized. Century of Stagnation. While Tyragarde control food supplies, the traitors have turned to swine corruption, being able to graze on anything. Total stalemate.

777: Pluffie discover Dawnsteel: an incredibly difficult and unstable metal, yet if forged correctly, is the strongest material discovered to date, besides the Sword and Sheild’s armor, which cannot be understood or replicated.

823: The Celestinian Martyrdom. 1,000 Celestinian Astromancers call down a meteor which wipes out droves of opposing forces and wipes the trench from the face of Yogathar. In return, all 1,000 Astromancers perish.

824-834: The Decade of Fear / the Neverending Winter. The meteor used to break the trench caused all of Yogathar to cool. In the long winter, the Kingdom of Night conducted frequent raids around the world, causing all races to live in fear. Widespread famine, Floridia remained one of the only arable lands for crops. Without the tenacity and heroism of Floridia, Tyragarde would have fallen.

853: “Battle in the Sky” decimates Gryphon rider population. Harpy forces also weakened, but not to the same extent. Shield constructs “Bulwark of Wings” as Gryphon forces are rebuilt.

888: Crusade resumes, yet painstakingly slow progress as the swine and heretic population grows more dense.

923: 100 years since the Celestinian Martyrdom, extraordinary events begin to occur in the night sky. All over Tyragarde, meteor showers, aurorae, and comets are spotted in vivid detail. Also, a double eclipse occurs between both moons within an hour – an event said not to have happened since before the Swine Plague.

935: The Miracle of the Moons. Thousands who were children when they saw the eclipse grew up showing promising abilities, and are now extremely talented mages.

940: Thousands of Celestinian astromancers are now trained and prepared for combat.

947: Burning of Lordheim.

948: Siege of Toba begins.

950: Siege of Toba is successful. End of the Flywyrimian Heresy.

977: Battle for Tyragarde or (Seven Year Battle begins.)

984: The North Yarekren Crusade concludes. The Shield begins construction on the Containment

991: Construction of Containment Bulwark concludes.

992: The Sword leaves to engage in a contract with the Gray Duke.

1,000-1,163: Brief technological and cultural renaissance. 

1,033: The first yellow bilebeetles arrive in Floridia from the Land of Mists. Harmless, yet in numbers they are quite bothersome.

1,127: Pluffie refine the craft of Dawnsteel, making it widely available to Kill Squads, Holy Councilors, and high ranking generals of the Holy Guard.

1,163: Attempted assassination on Regent Lighthand’s life by rogue Kill Squad member. Heretic’s affiliation unknown.

1,111: The Sword returns with 10 infants, 5 boys and 5 girls:

Sword’s Bargain:

I: Uma Beaublade (Princess of the Holy Diarchy)

II: Serapho Michaels (Prince of the Holy Diarchy)

III: Kindred Sorn (Brother of Compassion)

IV: Gillie Kruze (Night’s Whisper)

V: Jean Tylar (The Grand Architect)

VI: Ro’Chell the Pure (Light’s Shoulder)

VII: Kael the Unwavering (Angel of Boundless Determination)

VIII: Talor, Weaver of Dreams (Eyeglass of Stars)

IV: Bruna LeKritour (Champion of Life Everlasting)

X: Dy Lar’Dyn (The Living Tarot)

1,135: Infuriated with the Sword’s bargain, Infektiskar has been scheming with other Mad Gods. He also comes to an agreement with the Gray Duke, and creates his Fold: evil mirrors if the Sword’s bargain, manifested by 10 of his own champions.

Infektiskar’s Fold:

XI: NoBell Plaguehowler (The Decaying Angel)

XII: Tuberculus the Sineater (Risen Son of the Great Conflagration)

XIII: Loren the Silent Screamer (Dreadnought of War)

XIV: Zhinav Kannibul (The Great Heretic)

XV: Azhtree the Defiler (Famine’s Naze)

XVI: Wrathia (Aspect of Death)

XVII: Vegetor Ankgor (Unbridled Contempt)

XVIII: Fetis Voyd (The Black Hand of Conquest)

XIX: Ouraboura Sangrael (The Succubus of Blood)

XX: Gramshi Bernays (The Shifting Subversive)

1,149: “Annie” seduces Infektiskar under the pretense she seeks to work with him. He aids her in creating the Kroks. She opens a whirlpool which swallows the southernmost islands of the Floridian Keys.

1,154: Myomi and Agora successfully defended, Kroks begin to infest Floridia but become a nuisance rather than conquering force, usually ransacking towns, temporarily holding them, etc.

1,158: Zhinov, Gramshi, and Ouraboura sabotage an important Esethye victory, leaving the preserved bodies of uncorrupted human soldiers behind in a false flag event. Relations completely break down. All Esethye trade ends, outside of crucial economic functions. Tensions rise.

1,159: Pluffie invent prototype “pocket-cannon.”

1,160: At the end of this year, the Kingdom of Night capture/kill an entire Esethye regiment, further escalating paranoia.

1,163: In a show of good faith, the Shield aids the Esethye in constructing a bulwark against the Orgz at a tactical position, and offers munitions such as cannons, razorwire, and salamanders. Also temporarily lends Kill Squad Nightfire to help them stabilize. The Decades of Silence begin.

1,170: Kill Squad Nightfire returns to Tyragarde.

1,176: Pluffie invent first prototype auto/semiautomatic “pocket-cannon.” Development for Ogur and human sizes begin.

1,177: The Great Stockpile begins. All over Tyragarde, the most defensible positions begin to stockpile food, weapons, supplies.

1,189:“Annie” opens a new Krok whirlpool in the heart of the Ivory Archipelago. Sword sends 3 Floridian Kill Squads to aid in containment.

1,192: Gramshi learns of how Dawnsteel is made, returns plans to Infektiskar plaguesmiths.

1,193: Azhtree spreads bilebeetles to tropical climates all over Yogathar, which will affect nearly every race and faction, except the Kingdom of Night.

1,200: Infektiskar’s Fold launch the Second Great Slaughter.

1,207: Relations of humans between Esthye and Mol’tin break down after the Great Sabotage (A false flag event orchestrated by Zhinav and Gramshi).

1,208: Sword, Shield, Contra, and Guillius (Contra’s chief advisor) come to a consensus. The Tragic Lie is initiated, a false flag to turn the Esthye and Mol’Tin on each other as well.

1,210: Pluffie successfully finish perfecting pocket autocannon (PAC) technology. Deployed across Tyragarde.

1,217: Infektiskar plaguesmiths invent Plaguesteel.

1,220: Current year. War rages on across the entire world of Yogathar. The only concrete alliance is between humans and pluffie. Orgz, Esethye, Mol’Tin, and the Tyragarde Pact all fight one another over resources, territory, and on the behalf of their respective Gods (Mad, Just, and Gray). The carnage being wrought across Yogathar has caused something to begin to stir within the dreamscape. Not to mention, Nobody knows who the Kingdom of Night directly serves, and then there are those ever-increasingly pesky bilebeetles…