Can I contribute to SWINE PLAGUE?

Yes! Send any queries to SWINEPLAGUE@protonmail(dot)com. Art, fiction, screenplays, graphic novels, games, anything. I'd love to hear it.

No AI allowed. See statement below.

Can I Get Paid for Contributing?

At the moment, no. This is only a passion project for me. With that in mind, if you're just pumping out awesome stuff, I'll try to throw an Amazon gift card your way.

Is this going to be a TTRPG?

I personally do not play TTRPGs. However, I am not opposed to  the idea. If you're interested in designing it, contact me. (I do know how they work.) Keep in mind it would, for the time being, be a passion project without monetary gain.

What Are Your Politics?

You have my guarantee that SWINE PLAGUE will not bend the knee to the usual suspects. Outside of that, I have no interest in participating in any political theater.

Can I donate?

No. I do not feel comfortable taking anybody's money. Or, use that money to commission SWINE PLAGUE art!

I saw you copyrighted the website, do you really think it's all that important?

Not particularly, I just put it there so the usual suspects can't take it and deface it.

Statement on AI

I have only used AI to create concept images, as it helps provide a visual reference for something I've built from the ground up. It is a brainstorming tool, nothing more. This is why I refer to them as concept "images" and not "art." I champion real art I will always prefer it over AI generated images. Regarding writing, I have never used AI as a tool to write, and never will, nor will I accept anything which does or has.

Despite a limited platform, I would promote the fk out of any real artist who contributes!

SWINE PLAGUE is not a project open to AI generated "art." I look forward to the day when there is no longer a single AI generated image on this website.

None of this answered my question.

Send us an email at SWINEPLAGUE@protonmail(dot)com!