Compendium: Order of the Hospitaller

Order of the Hospitaller general crest

"There is one distinction between an ally and a friend. An ally hates the swine. A friend hates the swine, and loves his fellow man." -Sister Arixie Solanox, Siege of Concordia, 647 S.P.

The Hospitaller holds the most compassion of any order. Consisting of missionaries, nurses, doctors, healers, reformed heretics, and templars, this order is the shining light in the darkness that has befallen Tyragarde. What defines Hospitallers is the most pure, genuine love for their fellow man. The Hospitaller, due to being medics, follow war. They often encounter the most downtrodden, abused, and neglected citizens of Tyragarde. Their philosophy is simple: to never quit until there is no longer a single suffering soul. Not. One.

Kindred Sorn, Brother of Compassion

Kindred Sorn – Brother of Compassion, 3rd creation of the Sword’s Bargain

When discussing the 10 demigods they would need to create to find a way to close the maw, the Sword and Shield realized they needed someone who embodies their compassion and love for their once great kingdom. Therefore, after creating Uma Beaublade and Serapho Michaels (beings reflective of the Sword and Shield’s leadership and combat prowess), the Sword immediately asked the Gray Duke to find the kindest, most endearing and compassionate soul he could. When he reached into the Dreamscape, he located a soul whose very name was Kindred. When the duke requested the soul come with him, it asked to what degree of suffering the creator is seeking to relieve. “An impossible amount,” he said. And with those words, the soul agreed, and thus, the Duke pulled out Kindred Sorn. And so, while Uma Beaublade and Serapho Michaels may represent the raw strength of their Demigod creators – Kindred Sorn he is the one cast in the image of the Sword and the Shield, heart and soul. He also fulfills one of the most important failsafes the Sword and Shield wanted to guarantee, should anything ever happen to them: Sorn is a powerful blood mage immune to corruption.

Rien, Principal Almoner of the Order of the Hospitaller

Rien, Principal Almoner of the Order of the Hospitaller

Rien was born in the middle of the 3rd century, around 4-5 decades before Tyragarde was fully overrun by the swine. She is featured in the inaugural SWINE PLAGUE short story, Skirmish on Storm’s Wake Beach. Following a rescue from the Sword herself, she was nearly dead, yet managed to receive the Sword’s Compassion before she perished. The Sword and Rien befriended each other, and eventually Rien pitched the idea of making medical units an organized order, to ensure the Reclamation Crusade had structure, rules, and compassion regarding those who would be injured. The Sword agreed and made her the Principal Almoner of the Order of the Hospitaller. Now, at nearly 1,000 years old, she still maintains her duties, but is very, very tired.

She also was the foster parent of a mentally slow girl she once found on the side of the road. She gave the girl the name Ori, whose skull she still possesses to this day. However, when the Sword made the Bargain with the Gray Duke, the Duke found a soul so pure, he could barely touch it without getting burned. He put the soul in Ro’Chell the Pure. Rien and Ro’Chell have not yet met, but they may perhaps recognize one another once they do...

Covenants: Anyone can join the Order of the Hospitaller without joining one of the three Covenants, however, the Covenants give structure for treating the three aspects of pain: Orthoclerics, Hemoclerics, and Bioclerics.

A red skull identifies a chapter of the Orthoclerics

Covenant of the Orthocleric – Healers specialized in broken bones, torn ligaments, etc.

Skeletal Novitiate – Apprentices, students looking to learn how to mend broken bones.

Skeletal Brother/Sister – A fully trained Orthocleric, they have the skills a contemporary EMT would. They can set bones, bind them, etc.

Skeletal Adept – Someone who has mastered the art of battlefield medicine, and the general mending of bones. They also know how to make casts.

Skeletal Deacon – The same as an adept, yet they have learned to call upon the Sword and Shield’s strength when healing. They can perform occasional minor miracles.

Skeletal Prelate – Usually in a larger role when coordinating battlefield medicine and triage. It depends on the size of the conflict, but at least 3 are involved in any major battle.

Skeletal Commander - At least 1 commander will oversee medical operations. By now, one’s mastery over the healing art has become metaphysical, and they can occasionally perform larger miracles by calling upon the Sword and the Shield.

High Priest/Priestess – A spiritual guide for the order. They rarely see the front lines of battle. Instead, they often work with the Inquisition.

Skeletal Highlord/Lady – Few achieve this rank. They are not only masters of bonemending, but are also gifted in combat. What makes this rank so rare is that members of the Hospitaller are generally more kind-hearted than anyone else involved in the war. Their sense of duty does not come from a hatred for the swine or zealousness for the Sword and Shield, but out of true love for their fellow man.

Lord/Lady of Skulls – The Lord or Lady of Skulls would have received the Sword or Shield’s compassion, making them biologically immortal and very difficult to kill. These are candidates for members of the Holy Council.

A red teardrop represents a chapter of the hemoclerics.

Skilled blood mages can temporarily visit "Annie's" realm to steal power while under disguise.

Covenant of the Hemocleric – Healers specializing in blood ailments, often associated with battlefield triage. The more powerful ranks have been sanctioned by the Inquisition to use blood magic.

Sanguinary Novitiate – Trained to administer battlefield medicine, such as bloodpacks.

Sanguinary Brother/Sister – Fully trained battlefield medic. Again, they would have the same knowledge as an EMT.

Sanguinary Adept – A much more skilled and seasoned medic. They can be tasked with small, isolated duties.

Sanguinary Deacon – Someone who has learned to channel the strength of the Sword and Shield, can perform occasional minor miracles, such as calling to restore enough blood to someone who should be dead. The highest rank in this Covenant someone unable to wield blood magic can achieve. Can give orders and oversee small sections of a battlefield operations.

Blood Prince/Princess – Only those who can wield blood magic make it to this rank. Not only have they performed their duties well, but they also possess the rare gift of being able to (faithfully) wield blood magic. They have undergone extreme indoctrination by the Inquisition to ensure they do not turn heretical.

Blood Priest/Priestess – Spiritual leaders and military leaders of the Covenant. Very talented blood mages who are also good leaders occupy this role.

Master Hemomancer – The most powerful blood mages in all of Tyragarde, outside of the ones conscripted into Kill Squads. Master Hemomancers are comically difficult to kill because of the fact they’ve learned how to steal power from “Annie” without falling to corruption. Well, usually...

Lord/Lady of Hearts – Extremely OP Godmodding role. You employ this if you want to make a campaign, story, or whatever which goes "over the top." The Lord or Lady of hearts can make someone’s head explode just by thinking it, rip people in half with the snap of a finger, you name it, he can do it. Only 5 people in Tyragarde can wield blood magic better, in order: 1&2. Sword and Shield. 3. Ouraboura Sangrael. 4. Kindred Sorn. 5. Dy Lar’Dyn. And he would give the former 3 a challenge. Again, in lore I have no idea who this is yet (open to someone writing the story about him or her, whatever you pick)! At any rate, he also oversees the Covenant’s activities. Exceptionally talented leader who is also one of the best blood mages alive.

The Biocleric crest uses the same logo as the general order, but inverted in color.

Covenant of the Biocleric – Healers of disease and sickness.

Bionovitiate – An aspiring member of the order, being trained to treat illness.

Biobrother/sister – A fully initiated member of the order familiar with many kinds of medicine. Would be comparable to a family doctor, knowledge wise.

Bioadept – A specialist in one or more types of medicine, on top of general knowledge, similar to what an ENT doctor is.

Biodeacon – A highly specialized doctor, they travel to various places to treat massive and specific disease outbreaks, such as a field hospital during a siege, or a city/town.

Biocaptain – A biocaptain is of similar skill to a biodeacon, but has more experience on the front lines, and possess knowledge of how to treat lung damage caused by the amber mist.

Biocommander – Coordinates and pinpoints where disease may break out, and focuses on moving various doctors where they will most likely need to be. Very difficult role, and requires brave and calculated leaders, who are willing to spend much of their time around the most intense fighting and disease.

Biomaster – A master of not only curing disease, but unleashing it. Biomasters must be sanctioned by the Inquisition, as they are often splicing various illnesses to unleash upon the swine and harpies. However, once cleared, they have the authority to order deployment of the amber mist.

Biopriest – Biopriests function as wards against Infektiskar’s foul creations, and commune with the dreamscape in an attempt to predict his plans.

Archbishop – The way this Covenant works is slightly different. While the Archbishop has full authority over it, he or she often takes a more passive role, only making bigger decisions brought to him by Biocommanders, masters, etc. Instead, the Archbishop functions more as a lead scientist regarding disease cure and production. He works very closely with Pluffie scientists to produce the more horrific tools of war to combat the sign, while attempting to minimize collateral damage.

The crest of the Misery Eaters features a hooded skull: a representation of the pain and death they endure.

Misery Eaters:

Misery eaters are not their own Covenant, rather, they are chapters of brothers who travel across Tyragarde absorbing pain, both physical and emotional. They may appear intimidating, as they wear a skeletal faceplate, but that is for a specific purpose. The anguish a patient is feeling can be excruciating, and if they could see the pain on his face, they could possibly request to stop treatment. The mask both mutes his voice and hides his face, ensuring that all the patient sees is a cold, lifeless skull. Misery Eating is a form a blood magic, and therefore each potential member must be sanctioned by the Inquisition.

The trick to the spell is that no harm is actually inflicted upon the Eater himself. His greater role is to comfort and relieve those in agony, who very well may be dying or seriously injured. However, do not be fooled, Misery Eaters are some of the bravest men in Tyragarde, as they will experience the feeling of death hundreds of times over the span their life. When anesthesia or pain salves are not available, Misery Eaters can also absorb the pain from an emergency surgery, such as an amputation or arrow extraction. Only men develop the capability to Misery Eat, and it is often not discovered until late adolescence or early adulthood.

The Redeemed are their own chapter, but fall under the command of the Hemocleric Covenant. After all, a former heretic can never be truly trusted!

The Redeemed:

Repentant heretics are offered a different fate than those who are not. They are kept alive, but fed poison which causes them to vomit Black Humors, A highly flammable liquid which is used to power some instruments of war, like fuel for Salamanders. Members of the Order of the Hospitaller keep the repentant alive. Most heretics will indeed eventually die during the extraction process, as once they perish, it is understood they have purged all the wickedness of their souls. In some cases, they survive this process, and will begin weeping Red Humors, a potent, enriched form of blood which can be universally drunk by a wounded soldier. This will replenish even the largest amounts of lost blood. These individuals are known as The Redeemed, and are inducted into the Order of the Hospitaller.

Crest of the Sisters of Sustenance

Sisters of Sustenance:

As territory gets lost and recaptured, people are always on the move. Having sometimes to travel for days after fleeing a surprise swine or krok raid, the Sisters of Sustenance follow refugee and resettler caravans, providing food, blankets, and general kindness in a world where such a thing scarcely exists. Selfless and utterly faithful in the Sword and the Shield, there is no sacrifice too tall for a sister. When ambushed, they aid in the defense of civilians until their final breath, ensuring as many as possible escape.

Crest of the Shield's Templar

Shield's Templars:

Mostly, but not exclusively recruited out of Floridia due to their fearless nature, the Shield's Templars are warriors who seek to defend the most hopeless of causes. While not as skilled as Kill Squad members, the Templars are the most selfless combatants, but fight with the vigor of 20 men. This is mainly because they are so dedicated to the Shield, that they believe he is personally protecting all of them. And should they fall in battle, to have saved one of their fellow citizens is a worthy sacrifice. Effective and ruthless, Templars are sent to the most desperate battles, and they charge in willingly with their sacred motto "the Shield protects!"

Inquisitors purifying black humors.

Extracting red humors.

A trench finds itself barren after the deployment of the amber mist.

Use of Humors in the Order of the Hospitaller:

The Order of the Hospitaller uses all 4 humors to some extent.

They are responsible for extracting black humors (oil/gasoline) from force-feeding repentant heretics a flower called heretics tongue, which causes extreme vomiting. The black humors are purified and refined by the Inquisition.

If the repentant heretic lives, they are considered redeemed. They are then inducted into the Order of the Hospitaller, where they follow grief, and weep red humors from their eyes which are collected in vials. This blood is extremely potent, and universally compatible with any blood type. It is used in elixirs which save soldiers from bleeding out.

Some high ranking members of the Covenants (particularly Bioclerics) can authorize the use of the amber mist, a toxic, dense gas extracted from grinding down and concentrating bilebeetle venom.

The green humors, which are extracted from the dew on green gavara plants, are used in many generally medicinal practices, such as salves, ichors, and to sterilize bandages.