The Great Conflagration Part 3: SWINE PLAGUE

For over 1,000 years, the peaceful Kingdom of Tyragarde knew no war. Ruled justly and rationally by the Diarchy of King Enen and Queen Enae Sunbather, demigod twins of mysterious origin, their benevolent Kingdom flourished for over an entire millennium. Progress, diplomacy, equality. For a moment, it seemed as though nothing could topple such a benevolent, glorious Kingdom.

Yet for much longer than their reign, the Mad God Infektiskar looked up at Tyragarde through his spyglass - resentful, brooding, hateful. He wondered how his archenemy Freya, the Goddess of Life and Beauty, cultivated such a beautiful people. That, he would never come to know. And where beauty seeks to build, ugliness seeks to destroy. And thus, Infektiskar began his plot. Decade followed decade, century followed century, and then, once his foul creations were prepared, he unleashed them upon the world.

Now, in the year 1,220 S.P, the war rages on. The current era (Swine Plague) is defined by the zero year, when the northenmost city, Ultragarde, was swallowed by the maw which took its place. Since then, endless hordes of swine and harpies in many grotesque shapes and sizes, continue to wreak havoc upon the once noble and peaceful people they were created to destroy. Only by the will of the Holy Diarchy, the Sword and the Shield, does humanity continue to resist the foul darkness. Battles are won, battles are lost. In SWINE PLAGUE, tales of heroism, honor, brother and sisterhood alike, all unfold. As do tales of decay, martyrdom, and heresy. Be forewarned: upon the Great Island Kingdom of Tyragarde, all that is known is the endless hordes of swine, and the eternal war against their darkening of the Holy Light.

The current year is 1,220 S.P. This is the timeline of events starting from the Zero Year.

Key events, characters, and terms.

Stories set within the SWINE PLAGUE universe. Check the FAQ if you're interested in contributing! Also looking for a copy editor.

AI generated concept images - we are looking for real artists! 
