Swarts Lab

Science study abroad

Science study abroad program in South Africa

The CMU–Stellenbosch study abroad program provides a unique opportunity for CMU science majors to study abroad at Stellenbosch University, which is a top-tier teaching and research institution near Cape Town, South Africa. The program enables CMU students to continue their scientific coursework in a new and diverse setting while participating in a rich cultural exchange. The program features opportunities to partake in scientific research and community outreach while studying abroad.

Coursework: Currently, chemistry, biology, and geology students can participate. Students will take 2 courses contributing to major requirements, 1 course focused on South African history or culture, and 1 additional elective.

International Student Organization of Stellenbosch (ISOS): Students are encouraged to join ISOS to link up with a South African host student, attend social activities, visit sites of cultural and historical importance, and enjoy off-campus excursions organized by Stellenbosch.

Volunteer Community Engagement (VCE): Students can participate in outreach, developing a semester-long project to stimulate scientific learning in children from nearby communities.

Research: Students who are actively involved in research at CMU can capitalize on their experience and continue mentored undergraduate research in a new context.

Contact Ben Swarts and the Office of Study Abroad for more information.