Yellow Chapter 2a



Yellow Chapter 2a

When Shadow assumed the task of finding the Golden Gate bridge and saving the yellow continent, it did not expect that it would be so time consuming, because what can be difficult to find and move a bridge that has always been in place? It turned out that finding the bridge, as shadow had expected, was not difficult, but moving it to the continent was very difficult. When our superhero reached the bridge she needed and just wanted to take him to the island, people became indignant and started shouting at her. At first she didn't understand why everyone was yelling at her but after a while she realized that she couldn't just take the bridge which is a very important communication junction between San Francisco and Marin County. So she flew to Washington and spent three days talking to various deputies, secretaries and even the president himself. She told everyone about the situation of the island that she wants to save, and after 3 days of repeating the same, the USA president agreed to take the bridge and immediately ordered to build a new one. Shadow thanked and quickly flew to transport the bridge, which was not easy either, because it turned out to be very, very heavy and although Shadow was very strong, she spent the whole day moving the bridge.