Blue Chapter 2b



Blue Chapter 2b

The war continued, bringing great losses to all sides. Max couldn't let the war destroy his native land, so he decided to do something about it. He discovered that king of Flick Jarosław the First wanted to launch atomick rockets on Flack and Flow. So he came up with idea of stopping him, using his powers. He wanted to forced king Jarosław with his powers to launch Flick’s atomic rockets at his own country. At the night he sneaked in to Jarosław castle „Wawel” and hi went to king’s bedroom. When he found it he used his powers to controled Jarosław and told him to lead him to place where rockets were hidden. As they walked through the dungeons of the castle Max heard some strange noises but he thought that they were drunk soldiers. When they walked into huge room where all rockets were storaged, something hit Max at the back of a head, it was Jarosław’s dragon called Duduś. Max dodged his attacks, but while he was doing that, the King woke up from Max manipulation. And launch the rockets at Flack and Flow. Many people died, but some of the soldiers and citizens survived. Will it be the end of Flack and Flow?