Blue Chapter 1





On our continent “Flick-Flack-Flow” the main problem is war. There are three districts: On the district “Flick” is a lot of water. The people who live there are fishers and they live in houses on bamboo stilts. The second district “Flack” is a huge wood. The people there are park rangers and live in tree houses. The last district is called “Flow”. These people are farmers and live in huts. On our continent are a lot of different animals. But there are also three special animals: A Hippogreif, that’s a mixture of an eagle and a horse, and one Phenix, that’s a kind of special bird that is reborn in ash. In “Flick” lives a Grindeloh. This is a creature that lives on the ground of the sea and if someone gets too close to the ground he gets killed. The Grindeloh is (not like the Phenix or the Hippogreif) an evil creature.


MAX alias FFF

Name: FFF, Max

Apperance : (beautiful) blue eyes, blond hair, sixpack

Outfit: cool style (jeans, pullover), long socks, sneakers and his trademark is a brown jacket

Logo: a circle with a flash inside

Identity: big smile, friendly

Super power: he can influence the brains of other people

Weakness: he has no self-awareness and he only sees the bad things in life

Species: he is a human and an animagus (he can transform in a mouse)

Girlfriend: Shadow

Friends: his best friend is Robin (female), and another good friend of him is Drake (male)

Mother: Magda

Father: Matteo

Sister: Madeleine

Place of living: Flack

Special gadget: magic football

Transport: he has a motorbike

Our superhero is called FFF but his real name is Max. He has beautiful blue eyes, blond hair and a sixpack. He has a cool style and he always wears jeans, a pullover, long socks and his trademark is a brown jacket. His logo is a circle with a flash inside. You can recognize him because of his big smile and his friendly nature. The super power of Max is that he can influence the brains of other people. But like everyone he has got weaknesses. He has no self-awareness and he only sees the bad things in life. Max is a human and an animagus, which means that he can transform into a mouse. His girlfriend is Shadow, his best friend is a girl called Robin and another good friend of him is Drake. His family includes his mom Magda, his dad Matteo and his younger sister Madeleine. He is living on the district Flack. A magic football is his special gadget. His pride and joy is his Harley-motorbike.

Irina, Angelina, Cornelia