
BG/BRG Judenburg / Austria

The school has 750 students and 75 teachers and offers a wide range of subjects: science/sports/arts/languages/humanities. The school is equipped with a high-tech IT-infrastructure: computers and projectors in all classes/whiteboards/iPads/3d-printers/biology and chemistry laboratories and it is a nationally certified eLearning and STEM school. In the lower grades (class 14) students can select either an extra second foreign language (French or Latin) or they focus their studies on science. Since several years, the school has also been providing its students with Content and Language Integrated Learning Classes (CLIL), which means that non-language classes e.g. arts/biology/geography etc. are taught bilingually. As an optional subject the school offers the subject Biological Experiences in English (BEE) bilingually, which specialises on ecological and enviromental project work. In relation to this subject S&T carry out every year different schoolprojects on climate change, global warming, wood and water management etc. The best projects are presented every year at an intern. youth conference. In the higher grades (class 5-8) students can focus on certain fields like: music and arts, language, science in which they also do a lot of project work also in English. Especially languages play an important role in the higher grades. English is offered as an obligatory 1st foreign language, then French, Italian and Spanish. The school has been participating in several international projects (Comenius, eTwinning, Erasmus+, Caretakers of the Environment International, etc. ) and the school has always tried to offer its S&T to create an intern. network to enlarge their personal and professional perspectives. Currently the BG/BRG Judenburg coordinates an Erasmus+ KA2 project with 3 partners focusing on drama and film. The BG/BRG Judenburg has carried out several EU and international projects based on ecological/environmental projects. The school's motivation is to continue working in this field to maintain/enlarge already existing professional knowledge and Europan wide networks and to offer its students to get involved in European matters. Another motivation is to pass on this professional knowledge/ experience to other schools in Europe that they can benefit from. The BG/BRG Judenburg has established an Erasmus+ coordination team and a team of motivated teachers who are experienced in working in European projects. In case that one member leaves the post there will be other members to cover this person. The school is very experienced in organising international projects as it organised an international youth conference in 2018 with more than 250 intern. delegates from approx. 20 countries. The BG/BRG Judenburg also has a very good network with local/regional institutions/companies and experts which will contribute to this project. The school's staff is also experienced in interdisciplinary project work, which facilitates the implementation of workshops.


Erasmus+ KA2 - Project on "Sustainability" :