
A good way to introduce the 17 SDGs to our students:



Different countries, different ways to discover our SDGs Action! but all of them exciting and with lots of enthusiasm!

Pupils from NavĂ s discovering the project! They feel really excited ,enthusiastic and proud of being part of this Erasmus project. Learning about SDGs, being active citizens facing the world problems and making new friends from Europe is really motivating for all of them and also for all the teachers of the school! They solved the puzzles and codes, worked on the laptops to find the flags and guess the countries, and finally they placed a little flag on a world's map! What an exciting experience!!!!

Discovering the project in Bulgaria

In this project in the Bulgarian school will work students from 2, 3 and 4th grade. It is so amazing to see so many students and teachers primary level excited to take part in this new project. Everyone is busy now- to draw, to made presentations, to search for information and to learn more about the SDGs. We are so happy and enthusiastic! The students draw, made applications, boxes and watched videos. We were happy to see our new friends from Spain and France. Now what we already learned decided to share with the rest of the students and teachers in our school through exhibition at the main entrance of the school.


Everyone did his best to solve the riddles and the geometry drawings. After finishing, we discussed about the words discovered. We had a great time to begin the schoolyear ! A few days later, we discovered the 17 SDGs playing SDG Board games. We loved it because we discovered lots of things !

Presenting the project to the school community

SDGs Book Club

Reading is a great way to better understand what people from across the globe struggle with in their everyday lives, and it helps us reflect on our own situation. In this page we will share our book club experiences.

Each month a couple of books related to one SDG will be featured and we will get one. We will read it with attention and we will consider its recommendations.

SDGs St Josep Book corner!

January 2020, We have inaugurated our SDGs Book corner at school! There are books about the first 7 SDGs according to the ones presented on SDGs Book Club. Every book is special, that's why each one has a special place to be placed : a box, a chair, a painting set, a cage ... ready to be read!

SDG 1 " No poverty" : The happy Prince

What an amazing story! a little swallow that decides to stop her trip to Egypt in order to help the prince who is suffering for the poor people and children in his city. Both, the prince and the swallow feel so happy with their friendship and giving rubies, sapphires and the golden leaves to all those who need them to survive. Children from grade 4 enjoyed the story although they said the end was too sad.

SDG 2 "Zero Hunger": Maddi's Fridge

Maddi's Fridge provides us a great point for discussions about hunger, charity and talking with an adult when something seems wrong. Children of 6th grade enjoyed a lot reading this book and they highly recommend it.

SDGs St Paul Book corner!

SU Ekzarh Antim I, book corner

click to see it- it is very interesting collaborative partner activity!