The project Evaluation plan


Our students assessment and point of view are very relevant for the project as they are inf fact the main goal of this PBL project.

Here are some of the students' point of view about participating in erasmus and eTwinning projects.

Students from Saint Paul school, Cesson

Students from Oulu University school, Oulu,Finland

Romanian students opinion

Italian students point of view

Bulgarian students message

We asked the students to fill the survey. This is the survey that students have answered at the end of the first year of the project. Here are the results:

Here are the actions done during school year 2020-21 to improve the issues above

June 2021

A final survey to get the feedback of our participant students:

The survey: The results:

SDGs Action! 2020-21 , STUDENTS

ASSESSMENT SDGs Action! July'21

ANALYSING THE OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT, according to the main objectives

Teachers point of view

After two years of intensive work, intensive learning, intensive sharing, intensive experiences, intensive partnership, we feel proud to say: we reached the goals, we spread the message, we feel more European, our English is better, we are more techno, we had grown up.

June 2021

Coordinators' point of view

The coordinators:

Fina Vendrel - coordinator for the Spanish school and coordinator of the entire project,

Natasha Dzhurkova- coordinator for the Bulgarian school,

Cecile Thomas- coordinator for the French school,

Raija Kärkkäinen - coordinator for the Finnish school,

Silvia De Vita- coordinator for the Italian school,

Bianka Ene- coordinator for the Romanian school

Part 1:

1. What did your students learned with the project?

2. What did you personally learned?

Part 2:

3. What are the difficulties you faced?

4. What are the benefits of the project?

Bulgarian teachers point of view


Boyana Filipova Rositsa Mincheva

Velizar Kitov


Ester Perez Nuria Terre

Eli Lopez

Oulu University Teacher Training School, Finland

Mari Sääskilahti and Mirva Mykkälä Vuokko Kangas

Families point of view

Parents' opinions are relevant for the students and also for teachers.

Here are some parents who accepted to be inteviewed by their children.

From Italy:

From Spain:

From Spain:

From Finland:

From Romania:

From Bulgaria:

From France:

From Italy:

A survey has been prepared in English for families of all participant countries. It has been translated into different Mother tongue languages for each country.

Results from Sant Josep school, Navàs

Parents consider that the project helped their children to learn in a different way, they highlight the experience of active learning, innovation their engagement and the motivation from the very beginning to the end. They feel grateful for giging kids the chance to improve their soft skills such as team work, collaborative learning. They think that the topic about SDGs is very important and it has been taught in an innovative, creative way. 70% did not find any difficulties on the project, except the ones that mention the distance learning.

The most appreciated issue is the collaborative work among other European students, their motivation, the topic of SDGs in a creative active learning and their improvement of learning English. They finally congratulate teachers for the good job and for giving their children this wonderful opportunity. 80% of families give the project a score among 9-10

Results from Saint Paul School, Cesson, France

Parents mainly think that this kind of project is a good way to learn in a different way and that it helps increase students motivation. Parents found difficulties in distant learning. The main interest for them is that theire children could collaborate with students from partner countries. 85% of families give the project a score among 9-10

Results from Montecorvino Rovella, Italy

Parents consider that the project helped their children to learn in a different way, they highlight the experience of active learning, innovation their engagement and the motivation from the very beginning to the end. They feel grateful and happy for giving kids the chance to attend this project and improve their soft skills such as team work, collaborative learning. They think that the topic about SDGs is very important and it was proposed in an innovative and creative way. Parents found difficulties in distant learning. The most appreciated issue is the collaborative work among other European students, their motivation, the topic of SDGs in a creative active learning and their improvement of learning English. Most of them congratulate teachers for the good job and for giving their children this great opportunity. 82% of families give the project a score among 8-10

Results from SU Ekzarh Antim I, Kazanlak, Bulgaria:

The parents think that the project is valuable because: There is a lot of experience for learning in a different way, cooperation with other students from different European countries , Motivated the students to learn and act toward the SDGs

In this Erasmus + / eTwinning project, they liked : Cooperation with other students from Europe- 45%, Innovation and motivation for the action -27 %, Creative way of presenting the SDGs –28%.

53% of the, rated the project with 10 and 47% with 9 from 1 to 10. They share their opinion - The project was amazing because made students to understand better the importance of SDGs Action and improved their English and digital skills.

Results from the teachers survey from the first project year:

External feedbacks- click to learn more