Institut Quatre Cantons

Institut Quatre Cantons is a public secondary school (12-18 years old) situated in the neighbourhood of Poblenou in the city of Barcelona. This is a traditional area of the city which, in recent times, has undergone a relevant modernizing process. As a result, the neighbourhood is composed of a heterogeneous population with an important activity of social organizations.

Since its creation in 2011-12, the school is applying an innovative educational project, open and inclusive which searches for excellence, equity and comprehensive education for their young students. The implementation of the project is characterized by the transformation of some of the usual elements related to organization and operation in schools. Thus, it has introduced changes in time management, groups and spaces; it has also made changes in curricula, methodologies and evaluation; it is also reinterpreting the central role of the student in the learning process and the teacher's management and support in this process.

As far as the development of the curriculum is concerned, the school supports a vision in relation to the management of academic contents, space and time. Thus, the following decisions were taken to deploy the project:

  • Approaching subjects to the everyday reality of students and their social context, in order to highlight the relationship between curricula and the world outside school.

  • Reducing the number of subjects and teachers that students have.

  • Developing cross-curricular subjects which globalise contents (related to basic skills) in order to deal with contents from different areas in a cross-curricular way.

The school also incorporates different methodological approaches to bring into account its objectives. So, project work, problem based learning, research, case studies, didactic sequences imply a classroom management often decentralized in which students must take decisions about what content has to be learned, which resources have to be consulted or what product has to be elaborated.

This diversity of approaches leads towards the personalization of learning. Thus, all students should find work proposals with objectives, methodologies and assessment activities appropriate to their learning style, their possibilities, pace and expectations. This may mean the diversification of tasks having in mind these ideas:

  • propose different tasks (e g. some students read a document while others listen to a recorded explanation; a group of students chooses one research while another group chooses a different one; some are dealing with spelling exercises as other practice speed reading;)

  • in some occasions, cooperative work implies asymmetric tasks for each component with different cognitive levels. In some others, it implies a diversity of activities in the same classroom.

  • in some cases, the degree of diversification is present when some students are required just cognitive understanding while some others are required critical judgment, critical assessment or even that the learning process undergoes new actions,

  • it can also mean choosing a procedure, either on their own or in group in order to demonstrate what they have learned; so, while a student a can choose to record a narration in a video, another may decide to make a multimedia presentation or an expository text.

This project is led by the school management, carried out by a professional with extensive experience in management tasks and training both in didactic aspects of organization and management of teams of people. Key positions in the organization are held by teachers who have been called by management in order to perform the function assigned.