

The meeting in Eupen (Belgium) took place during the week of the 3rd to the 8th of October 2021

During this week, both teachers and students participated in a variety of activities which aimed at raising awareness of the need to adopt sustainable habits in relation to fashion and clothing. Sightseeing and visits to relevant cities were also included in the program.

Here you will find listed and explained all the activities carried out as far as the topic sustainable fashion and clothing is concerned.

Workshop about sustainable clothing

This activity took place during the first day as an initiation to the subject of the week, sustainability in clothing. Pupils were requested to fill in a questionnaire in order to know about their habits in clothing and buying in general.

After this introductory activity,  they watched the documentary True costs- who pays the price for our clothing  and afterwards, in groups, they debated in terms of working conditions, environment and alternatives to fast fashion.

As a closing activity, every group elaborated a poster on the different areas covered in the debate.

Workshop presentation

Workshop at Die Alternative, Eupen

Die Alternative is a sustainable company which - among other tasks - repairs, changes and remakes clothes. Students were welcomed by its director, who explained first what Alternative stands for and what its business is about. 

As a hands on proposal,  pupils could manufacture a recycled accessory using different types of fabric, so they could learn how to use the professional sewing machines in the workshop with the help of the workers. Thus, they elaborated, among others, bags from old jeans or old t-shirts.

Workshop at Verbraucherschutzzentrale VoG (consumer protection)

The Verbraucherschutzzentrale VoG offers consumer advice, debt counseling and sustainable development services in the German-speaking community and its neighboring communities.

During their visit, students participated in the workshop "Clips4change".  In this particular occasion, they learned about the long and demanding process to elaborate a pair of jeans before it gets to a shop and it is sold. 

After this,  and in groups of five students, they were asked to elaborate their own video clip to explain this process. Thus, they had to discuss, reach agreements and finally create a common which has been posted on YouTube. 

Making the point and clothing exchange

At the end of the week and after all information, workshops and sessions about sustainable clothing pupils were asked the same questions about their behavior on buying clothes and the answers were compared. As a result, they showed more awareness about the consequences of their actions and certain willingness to adopt new habits when buying clothes.


Finally, all together participated in a clothing exchange market with the different garments each participant had brought from home, still in good conditions, and that they didn't wear anymore. After being selected and organized by host students, everyone had the opportunity to look around a choose a piece. The activity  was quite successful and many clothings found a new destination and owner.