Parts of Rt. 24 have plans to be expanded and improved. However, these improvements are not contiguous and leave some concerns:

  • Love Creek Bridge - no plan of dual lane expansion

  • Burton Pond Bridge - no plan of dual lane expansion

  • Long Neck area - flooding near Giant and traffic congestion

  • Millsboro Downtown - a Downtown Bypass is planned to be completed in 2025, but by then there will be more traffic.

  • On/off Sidewalk/Bike Lanes - on Rt. 24 and also on side roads

  • Inadequate as Evacuation Route - public safety issue

  • First Responders

Pick your topic and make sure to include:

  • Your name

  • Your address, or at least the area of your residence

  • Your phone number

  • Subject: Rt. 24 Traffic (Or whatever best describes your concern)

Send your letter to the Sussex Council, County Administrator and Planning & Zoning Director, and DelDOT:

Sussex Councilmen:

  • Michael H. Vincent <>

  • Cinthia Green <>

  • Mark Schaeffer <>

Sussex County Clerk:

Sussex County Administrator:

Planning & Zoning:

  • Jamie Whitehouse <>

  • Lauren DeVore <>





