Recent History/Archives

Sussex County's PLUS MOU with the Office of State Planning Coordination (OSPC) - 

Signed by Governor on 5/7/2024; Proposed and Adopted by Council on 3/5/2024

Sussex County had an MOU signed in 2003, which was again signed in 2004 - the same ones.

Sussex County, after the passing of HB 104 by the General Assembly in June 2023, worked on a new MOU with the Office of State Planning Coordination (OSPC) and signed a new MOU in March 2024.

Click for more details.

2023 General Assembly Wrap Up - Presentation by County Administrator on  7/11/2023

County Council Presentation - Legislative Wrap Up - 7.11.2023 - Final.pdf

P&Z Removing Phone-In Comments as of 7/1/2023

On 5/26/2023, P&Z Commission decided to remove the capability for the public to make comments by phone.

Click to watch the P&Z discussion and see the opposition.

'Ready in 6' Initiatives and House Bills to Accelerate Approval Process

KPMG Analysis Commissioned by Delaware Business Roundtable (DBR)
Click for  details  about these bills.

Status - HB 102 and HB 104 have been signed into law.

DBR commissioned KPMG to study Delaware's permit competitiveness to find ways to accelerate the permit process for businesses. Based on the KPMG's report, Ready in 6 Coalition(*) came up with House Bills 101, 102, 103, and 104.

HB 102 and HB 104 passed the House and the Senate and are waiting for Governor to sign them into law.  HB 101 and HB 103 have been introduced but not yet considered by the House Committee. These bills may create jobs, such as gas station clerks, but may leave irreparable environmental damages by rushing the processes through.
Please review the documents and send your comments to the legislators and Governor Carney. The feedback we received from the legislators is that the public comments have been minimal.


(*) The Coalition includes: DBR, Delaware State Chamber, Kent Economic Partnership, Greater Kent Committee, Sussex County Economic Development Action Committee (SEDAC), ACEC Delaware, the Committee of 100, the Central Delaware Chamber, the New Castle County Chamber, Delaware Contractors Association, the Delaware Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors, and the Home Builders Association of Delaware.

Sussex County Land Trust Presentation at Sussex Council - 5/9/2023

Progress and Proposal for Land Purchase

DelDOT Projects Presentation at Sussex Council on 3/28/2023

Click for outlined details.

Click for PowerPoint presentation deck.

The whole presentation is on YouTube below.

Delaware and Sussex County's Traffic Crash Data Analysis

In early March 2023, Delaware State released Crash Data from 2009 up to '6 Months Ago' along with an analysis Dashboard.

Sussex2030 created another Dashboard to analyze Sussex County's crashes with a focus on the Crash Types and Yearly trends. It also provides other filters (search criteria or selection options).

For more details, visit

Sussex2030 created its own PLUS Dashboard using the State's public data. It shows only the projects in Sussex County. It lists projects in descending order of the PLUS ID and in ascending order of the Project names.  

It can be sorted by Application Type, such as Subdivisions, Change of Zone, Land Use Map Change, etc.

'Removal of Appointees' Ordinance Adopted on 4/25/2023

Click to see the Ord. Draft and Sussex2030's public comments.

(The following is posted on the County's website following the Code of Ethics training of Feb. 2, 2023.)

Sussex County takes very seriously the public's right to know, and has taken numerous steps in recent years to ensure improved public access by posting to the County website important information such as government agendas, minutes, budgets and other records.

A variety of resources exist on the County website for the public to access information, monitor government meetings, and file records requests.

For further information about public access, please contact the Sussex County FOIA Coordinator at (302) 855-7742 or submit questions via the FOIA questions webform.

The Sussex County Government follows the Code of Conduct adopted by the State of Delaware.

In February 2023, members of Sussex County Council, Planning & Zoning Commission, and Board of Adjustment, as well as senior leadership, took part in a public seminar focused on ethics training, provided by counsel from the Delaware Public Integrity Commission. Watch the video, or view the presentation [slides] here.

County's Initiatives Review And Development Design Ideas - 3/7/2023 at Council 

Below are the presentation slides and presentation video.

County Council Presentation - Initiatives Review - 3.7.2023.cleaned.pdf
County Council Presentation - Development Design - 3.7.2023.cleaned.pdf

Wetlands/Buffer Ordinance - Eff. 11/17/2022

Current 25' and 50' Setback Requirements (in the yellow highlight below - a clipping from the latest draft) will be replaced with the new Buffer Width Requirements in §115-193. 

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a mapping and analytical tool that generates visual and interactive presentations on maps. One example is Sussex County's PLUS Project Dashboard.

Sussex2030 is working on some projects and invites the public to join our effort to tell stories through these projects.