Emotional Wellness and Personal Growth

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"My life has been surrounded by tough and sad experiences for a long time. These have inflicted me with deep roots of pain and suffering. I have experienced unimaginable losses and even as I consider myself a person of faith, and gone to counseling in the past, I felt I needed a deeper change in my way of being. Susanna's coaching strategies, personal relationship building, compassionate, firm, celebratory, encouraging, and so many more qualities, guided me into a deeper understanding of my persona. Guidance that took me into a discovery journey and even a liberating experience. Her coaching ways are admirable, to the point that I have been recommending her services to my closest friends when they ask what is different in me. It doesn't mean that my life is a bed of roses now, it just feel like now I have the tools I need to face the challenges with a different lens. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity of working with Susanna!" ~ Miriam, Puerto Rico

"Susanna was absolutely amazing, I never felt any better until I met her. I was experiencing a lot of stressing challenges and after every session I learned something new about myself and new strategies that I can use to overcome problems I have been facing. I am glad she was there for me coaching me along the way to have a more balanced life." Jacob Torres, Oregon

"Susanna es una Profesional, en el más amplio sentido de la palabra; ella ha siso clave y me atrevería a decir, que ha sido muy importante en mi vida, porque logró en un corto plazo, aclararme quién soy y hacia donde debo encaminarme, su entrenamiento me llevo a la revelación de mis talentos y capacidades." ~Julio de la Torre, Mexico

"I came to Susanna feeling totally "stuck", having passions and interests I wanted to pursue but feeling so mentally drained by my job that I had no time to do things that fueled that passion. I knew that my job was draining me, but I couldn't see a way out. Susanna helped me articulate and clarify what I really wanted, and once I realized that what I was looking for wasn't tied to any specific job, I was open to considering options that I had previously ruled out. Because of working with Susanna, I feel hopeful. I'm excited to live out my passion and make dreams a reality. I'm grateful to her for helping me gain momentum in life instead of feeling like I'm just spinning my wheels." ~Juanita Marks, Oklahoma

“Susanna Clavello is a dynamic and passionate coach whose mission is to support individuals as they explore aspects of their own personal wellness. Her commitment to guiding individuals to consider making life changes that affect their health and wellness come from her own personal journey with wellness and self-improvement and coaching. Susanna took our team through learning about how the stressors of everyday life interfere with us maintaining healthy balanced lives. Using her strong coaching skillset she guided us through reflection and a variety of activities that allowed for our team to gain awareness of personal first steps to leading healthy, stress-free, and balanced lives. Susanna’s approach will surely allow for mindful shifts in healthy living.” ~ Yvette Gomez, San Antonio, Texas

"Quiero darte las gracias infinitas por la amabilidad que tuviste para con nuestra organización SAFE al venir y compartir un hermoso taller y regalarnos tu valioso tiempo y sabiduría para nuestras clientas que están enfrentando un proceso muy difícil en sus vidas. Es grandioso que personas como tu se preocupen y apoyen nuestra labor de brindar un poco de esperanza para los demás." Elia Mondragón, ~ SAFE Austin, Texas

"I cannot recommend Susanna and her coaching highly enough. She takes the time to really get to know you and connect, then allows plenty of space for deep thinking and reflection. I addressed and identified some major obstacles in my life and was able to craft a deeply meaningful and impactful approach to my health that has already resulted in losing 1 pound a week... but more importantly, I am more confident and comfortable in the process of becoming more myself. " ~ Brittany McDonald, Colorado Springs, CO

“Susanna did not tell me how to ‘fix’ myself or my situation. She listened to me intently while I shared my story and allowed me time for self-reflection. She helped me refocus my energy on positivity and helped me learn more about myself. I am eternally grateful for our sessions.” ~ Taunya B, Texas

“When I first starting working with Susana I was very unhappy with my job and it was spreading to other parts of my life as well. After we started talking together, I quickly made moves to improve on my happiness. I felt like I had the skills to do so thanks to what Susana helped me realize about my strengths and values. I can happily say that I am much happier with my life now, and I still keep Susana’s sayings and reminders in my head!” ~ Nicolette H, Austin, Texas

“Susanna Clavello's coaching was invaluable in helping me find clarity for my future and equipped me with the tools to realize that vision. Our first consultation helped me identify and name my core values, the principles that define who I am and drive me to do better. Her guidance allowed me to self-reflect in a way that would not be possible on my own. Once we had a fully-formed picture of my passions and ambitions, she worked with me to brainstorm ways to achieve these goals. I had a desire to go back to school in an international environment. Susanna set up and held me accountable to a structure that involved researching available programs, organizing my application materials and composing letters of motivations. Her method offered me guidance, while allowing me agency and a sense of ownership in the process. She provided edits and assistance with resumes and cover letters and encouraged my personal sense of creativity throughout. This means, by the time I was accepted to by current Masters program in Germany, I felt confident and fully equipped with the tools to succeed in this next chapter of my life. I am currently in my second year and, with a daunting thesis approaching, I know that I will be able to utilize the knowledge I gained from Susanna's coaching to reconnect with my passion and fully achieve even my most daring aspirations!” ~ Carolina G, Germany

“Ms. Susanna is a wonderful coach. She taught me techniques to relax and calm down a minute and also to look at the small picture. Take each moment at a time and not try to fix your world in one situation. I loved that I could talk to her about anything and felt confident that it was between us.” ~ Edith, San Antonio, Texas

"I'm very glad I chose to do coaching with Susanna. I had started a new job after being in grad school for over 3 years and was feeling overwhelmed with work and a decent list of goals I wanted to accomplish outside of work. Susanna's coaching has changed my life by changing how I look at my priorities as well as my outlook on self-care. I took Susanna's coaching and made it my own and together we put me on track to be a more successful, fulfilled person. I could tell that she cared about me, which was very important to the coaching experience." ~ Elizabeth Wilson, Austin, Texas