
PC版 Update 1.0.5の公開を開始しました。

Update 1.0.5

・ベータ版 - ユニットの種類に応じた新しい経路の UI 表現。





== version 1.0.5 ==

- Beta - new UI representation of paths, based on unit types
- Coups will now lower government stability and approval. If government approval is low (<25% )when mission finishes, the government is overthrown
- Added the concept of neutral units to war zone.
- Neutral units wont be able to attack or be attacked if in peace with both parties. However they can still be hit but area of effect damage if they are close enough. They are free to leave the war zone whenever they feel like it.
- Declaring war to a country while being a neutral unit in a war zone will make them join the fight and start shooting.
- Declaring peace with a country will make your unit neutral if you aren't in war with any of the party involved in a fight. War zone will also be dissolved if a side is no longer at war.

- Continued adding decimals in UI
- Changed the Popup that appears when a player connects or disconnects the game. It now shows information in it
- Modified DoctorDensity and HospitalBedsDensity to be represented / 1000 people
- Added text to Annexation popup
- Multiplayer game list: identify the games where the player is banned

- More props in world (Nessie, Eiffel tower, Great wall of China, Machu Picchu...)

- Corrections in scenario objectives for S12_Penuries and S14_VenezuelaCrisis
- Correction of map allocation for Guam

- Fixed a bug where population drops to 0
- Fixed a bug where sometimes country wouldn't send unit to stop Annexation if they had some.
- Fix Selecting another UI without saving in Options brings the player back to the Main Menu
- Quick Menu fails to disappear after moving around the map
- Fixed a bug where unit build by AI wouldnt be visible
- Fixed the display of the balance of a selected country when negative
- Fixed a bug where plane could go further than their engine range when using the attack command
- Fixed a bug where units bought from the Market can remain stuck while moving
