
PC版 Update 1.0.8の公開を開始しました。

Update 1.0.8


・国際商取引: 新しい民間輸出入の表示を修正。
・経済セクター 経済部門:投資拡大 生産性、労働力(失業率)、農作物使用量の増加(UIに期待効果表示)

・Critical Approval警告の説明文の修正



== version 1.0.8 ==


- Domestic use of military. This will use your land units to raise stability in your country, but lower approval


- Internet user % will go drop to 0 only if the budget in telecom is at 0.
- Personal Taxes change the support in a range of [-42.5%, 7.5%]. The Government approval starting values are modified between -9.5% and 5% depending on the country.
- Raising tax use cooldown and maxstep indicated in the action it uses.
- Some iterations weren't running causing variables to get stuck (mainly economic ones)
- InternationnalCommerce: fixed displays of new private import/export
- InternationnalCommerce private: do not trade with country who has an embargo with you
- Smaller effets for Random events
- Private economic sector will not reduce import with a public sector of another country
- Reduced the impact of the private economic sector who reduces expensive import from country with high taxe level
- The desirability of illegal private economic sector A is reduced when legal private economic sector B seeks an exchange partner
- Private Import/Export: Reduce the attractiveness of a economic sector based on the taxe of the private sector (caused some economies to fall in tailspins)
- Countries keep less surplus of an economic sector
- Countries reduces expensive import from country with high taxe level
- Economic Sector: Investment increases productivity, laborForce(Unemployment) and crops used (expected effects displayed in UI)


- fixed legend for trading resources
- fixed a bug if there was only one positive country it would appear as negative on the thematic map
- Countries are in grey if illegal when checking the product balance thematic map
- Fixed top 10 thematic map that would be empty after either loading a game or returning to main menu
- Modified description of CriticalApproval warning
- taxes widget correction
- fixed issue where the minimap would disappear after a combat
- Added warning icon and tool tips for strike in economic sector
- Changed low stability message for strike frequency
- Add Labor Unemployed in empty economic sector
- When trading resource, country with that resource illegal will be white. Mouse over will also indicate that the resource is illegal. Top 10 also reflect that change
- Close trade window when switching tab in economy
- added thematic button in economy resource menu to show active trades and needs/surplus
- random events effects are displayed to the player when they occur in his country (english only for now)


- Changed submarine to surface ship in Caspian sea


- Fixed a data issue where some floats would get stuck to 0
- fix of some crashes while loading assets
- Many crash fixes and other stability corrections
