What is Google sites?

"New" Google Sites is a user friendly website builder. (The old Google Sites is not as easy to use in my opinion.) Google allows collaboration with this builder as you can have several editors working on one site! In our district, a new google site can only be shared with viewers within the district. That means that our students can easily build a website and make it public... but not TOO public! The same is true for teachers in our district as well. (If you are wondering how I am sharing this site beyond my district... it was created with a personal gmail account.)

Google sites Integration Examples

The examples below will show ways our students can use Google Sites in the classroom. Of course YOU can use Google Sites in many ways...to curate content area resources for your students, promote events on campus, and create informational websites for colleagues as well!


Students can work collaboratively to build a Google Site on a specific content area topic to show their learning after research.

Digital Portfolio

Students can create a digital portfolio of their best work examples throughout the year. This is a great way for students to hold high expectations for themselves and reflect on past and future assignments.

Digital Breakout

Students can use critical thinking skills to create their own digital breakout for classmates to solve.

Let's learn How to... Google sites!

Now it's your turn!

Complete the activities below to gain more understanding or practice...

  • Activity A- Did you think of a way for students to use Google Sites? Would you like to see ideas from other teachers? Click here to share and/or access ideas on the Sunshiny Summer Camp Padlet!

  • Activity B- Think about the curriculum you have used in the past. Is there a research project your students normally complete? Choose two lessons to transform where your students will collaborate with each other to build a Google Site as their final product. Click here to access a detailed lesson planner.

  • Activity C- Let's have fun! Build a website of your choice! This is simply for practice! Think of a topic you are knowledgeable about. Or perhaps you want to build a site to share with colleagues. Now is your chance to practice what you have learned so your skills are ready to help your students!

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