A World for Fairies, Elfs, and Unicorns

Word of the Week: Creativity

Destination Imagination- East

Hello families!

This week our friends continued exploring the world of all things magic. With our theme of Fairies, Elf’s, and Unicorns, the children shared all they know about these magical creatures.

In collaboration with Hollywood, the children made fairy wands that they used for the shadow show! In addition, they made unicorn crowns which the children decorated with feathers and gems.

To wrap up the week, we had some fun with popsicle stick puppets. The children acted out their own mini puppet shows for their friends.

We are super excited for next week and all the magic that awaits!

Destination Imagination- Healey

For the second week of summer camp in destination imagination, students got inspired by the theme of elves, unicorns, and fairies.

Our first project consisted of creating whimsical bookmarks. Students were giving a template of a lightning bolt and were asked to trace it on the colorful paper of their choice. They were then provided materials to decorate their bookmarks and attach a ribbon on the top.

For our second project, students were were taken outdoors to collect sticks, leaves, flowers and other natural materials to construct a magical wand. They were provided beads, trinkets, and ribbon to decorate their wands and were also asked to talk about their creative process and what powers their wands possess!

We are all looking forward to next week's magic!

Just Do It- East

For week two of Just Do It, we loved the theme of A World of Fairies, Elves, and Unicorns!

We continued practicing our animal walk warm-ups and the kids were thrilled to include mythical creatures in our practice. Campers learned how to turn friends into bananas while throwing fairy dust!

Some of our older campers played ‘Protect the Castle’ where they put their engineering skills to work and built large castles to protect themselves from the flying spells (balls).

The younger kiddos had a blast using the scooters and noodles to catch the unicorns and turn themselves into magical beings!

Just Do It- Healey

This week at Just Do It, our campers had a week full of games. We kicked the week off with a dodgeball-inspired game, “Free the Prince/Princess.”

Wednesday, our younger groups played Dragon’s Tail Tag. In this game, all players receive a “tail” ;must walk only on the basketball court lines; and the dragon slayer, or tagger, must steal each dragon’s tail, one by one until there is only one dragon left standing.

Older campers spent Wednesday playing capture the flag, which soon evolved into a dodgeball-capture-the-flag mashup, where staff, LITs, and group 6 could win the game in two ways: stealing the other team’s flag from behind a barrier (made easier when struck down by thrown dodgeballs) or getting every player out on the other team.

Friday was all about volleyball, but groups also finished their time in the gym by nominating another camper among them to try out the Just Do It basketball challenge!


Hi everyone!

Happy week 2! We are moving right along this summer and having a great time in STEAM class.

This weeks theme was “A world of fairies, elves, and unicorns”. We read a book called “Thelma the unicorn” and talked about what makes us all unique! Then, reading a book called “Fairy Scientist”, we learned about magic and science. We made fairy houses and everyone got to be creative in how they made the roofs of their house.

Lastly this week, we did a science experiment with Lima beans , water and zip locks bags. We will observe their growth every day to see if the Lima beans sprout!

Can’t wait to see what next week brings!

STEAM- Healey

Summer camp is off to a great start!

This week in STEAM, students got to build and create something out of paper mache, cardboard and balloons. Students got creative and made everything from planets, wolves, foxes, mangos and giant ice cream cones! It was great to see what they came up with and how they problem solved as they built.

Glue and newspaper were everywhere, but it was worth it!

Hollywood- East

In this second week of Hollywood, the campers will be putting on a show that relates to this week’s theme of the World of Fairies, Elves and Unicorns.

This week, the kids will be singing cute, magical songs, putting on a fantastical play about a girl and a wolf, dancing with mystical costumes and displaying a game show for all the fairies, elves and unicorns in the crowd! In these past few days of Hollywood, the kids have had to learn magical dances, make mystical costumes and crafts while also learning how to show the audience their skills in the world of music.

Can you count how many fairies are in the cast? Creating these outfits was no easy task! All the wings, beards and armor galore! Who really knows, you might even see more! Pom poms, pipe cleaners and even some glue.

If you stick around you might love the show too!

Hollywood- Healey

This week in Hollywood, we’re bringing more magic to the stage!

We’ve had fun constructing our sets and props and playing improv games throughout the week. Our imaginations ran wild as we dreamt up some custom fairy and dragon wing designs that we can’t wait to bring to life on the catwalk. Not only are we transforming into fantasy creatures, but we’ll also be exploring the high seas as pirates singing sea shanties, climbing up the beanstalk with Jack, and traveling in our time machine to lip sync to classic hits.

We can’t wait to show you!

LIT's- Healey

Hello everyone, just wanted to say we are finished with week 2 of our summer adventure program.

The LIT team has been enjoying their summer so far. We have been traveling daily to Foss park to either take a swim in the pool or even just play wiffleball.

Before we continue we would like to announce that our very first LIT Convenience Store is opening daily at a camp near you. The LIT Convenience Store will include snacks and drinks, so please be sure to bring some money, if you would like to buy something.

As the weather gets hotter, we will also begin our very own lemonade stand including pink and regular lemonade. I know the heat is rising so why not cool down with our new lemonade. Donations are always welcome 🙏.

Counselors Corner- East

Hello families,

This week in Counselor's Corner, we focused on affirmation for kids. Some affirmations we practiced included, "I am kind", "I am brave", and "I am loved".

To keep calm, when we're having big feelings, we learned and practiced some coloring techniques. The kids also enjoyed coloring a banner together which consisted of kind words and drawings that made them feel calm.

Additionally, we had a conversation about how awesome and unique we all are!

We can't wait to see what else we'll learn next week! See you Monday.

Counselors Corner- Healey

Counselor’s Corner continues to be a fun growing time for the campers!

This week, we focused on learning how we can develop our brains as part of our gaining a Growth Mindset. We made “Brain Hats” to help us see how our brain is a muscle and can build connections.

We also completed a maze taking us from fixed mindset thinking to more positive language and behaviors we can use.

Finally, we practiced our breathing and other calming strategies to help us cope with big feelings.

The kids are having a good time and we look forward to our next Counselor’s Corner!