Join YAB!

Looking for new board members, 9th grade and up! Share your voice in the community as a youth, you are always welcome to join us :)

To apply:

YAB APPLICATION! Or fill out the form below!

If you are interested in joining, feel free to attend a meeting to see what we're all about!

For questions, please contact Tamar Besson,

Meetings are Mondays from 7:30 - 8:30, please click on the zoom link below to join the meeting!


  • Four hours a month

    • Weekly meetings (Current schedule)

      • 1st and 3rd Mondays 7:30 -8:30 pm

What We LOVE About YAB:

  • The AMAZING community

  • New connections from different schools

  • Learning about health and educating others

  • Making a difference in the community

  • Learning leadership skills

  • Team-building

  • Working on projects we care about

  • Taking action

  • Community service hours & resume boost!

  • Volunteering makes the heart feel full

  • It's a FAMILY!