
Sequoia Teen Wellness Center

To make an appointment, call (650) 366-2927.

Mental Health Support

Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line (free & 24/7) has resources for anxiety, stress, depression, suicide, emotional abuse, and loneliness. To connect with a trained Crisis Counselor, text SHARE to 741741.

Affordable Counseling

Find affordable counseling with Open Counseling for counselors in your area and with your preferences.

For ages 13-19, check out Teen Counseling.

Your House South

Your House South is an emergency youth shelter for youth ages 10-17.

24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (650) 367-9687

Mindfulness Apps

Acknowledge Alliance

Acknowledge Alliance is dedicated to understanding and promoting social emotional learning in students. Team of mental health professionals and counselors.

Headspace App

Calm App

Atlas App

YAB Mental Health Resources

YAB's Mental Health Resources Page

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March for Our Lives Sequoia Union Chapter

March for Our Lives Sequoia Union is an official chapter for the Sequoia Union High School District advocating for common-sense gun reform. They're awesome, check it out.

To join the chapter, please fill out this form!