The Society Board

What is the Board?

The board of Strathclyde musical theatre society exists to govern the society; it's members, the orchestra, and the production team. The board is also crucial in overseeing key societal functions such as public relations, finance and health and safety to ensure that the society runs smoothly and acts in the best interests of its members. Get In Touch With Our Board by clicking HERE!

Our Board (2023/34)





How Can I Join?

Well, to join the board of the society you must first join the society itself. This can done by joining the society's 'Members Area' Facebook Group, submitting a membership enquiry through this site, or simply contacting the society directly to enquire about joining!

Once you have joined the society, if you are arriving in September (i.e., the beginning of the academic year), the likelihood is that the board have already been voted in as this typically happens in June (before the society dissolves for summer recess). There may be opportunities to join the board in the second semester (c. January) if any members decide to resign but this is not certain. In most cases, you will have to have been with the society for a full year in order to apply for a position on the board.

Applications for the SMTS board are subject to the terms and conditions set out by the society's constitution (2019) and also the overarching policies of the Strathclyde University Union (est. 1964) who preside over the creation and regulation of societies at the university. In accordance with these provisions, prospective board applicants must be a member of the university of strathclyde's student union by affiliation to the university itself in order to apply for board membership.