
I wanted to do something for Halloween, and like the Dia de los Muertos theme. This dish is a little ghost silhouette that I decided to decorate in that theme. I had a lot of fun painting it! The orange flowers are supposed to be marigolds.

I made myself a little breakfast plate to go with my soup bowl (further down), in the fishy / aquatic theme. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, though a couple of the top bubbles cracked. I think I made the layers too thick on them.

I really enjoyed painting this teapot. I used foam brushes with a rounded tip, and did a matching teabag holder.

After I picked it up, I got fabric and made an insulated tea cozy cover for it.

My butterfly bowl lives at a dear friend's house, and I use it whenever I visit!

The yellow bowl above unfortunately cracked during firing, but it is the first and only large piece that I have thrown on the wheel.

This hand-built art dish was raku fired back in college in the mid-80's.

The kelp forest bowl was painted in 2000, and I think it's interesting to see how differently I approached a similar vision in 2016, with the goldfish bowl below. I hope the lighter, more airy and whimsical quality of the work reflects my growth in my art and as a person.

I made this mug as a present for my dear friend David; his favorite color is "rainbow", so I made a rainbow cup. The inside is lettered with things that are meaningful to his life-- his work with his church's heart ministry, his bocce team, progressive rock, comic books, poetry, etc.

I made this butterfly mug to go with the butterfly bowl at the top of this page. Now I have a set! :-)

This large salad bowl has a ruby throated hummingbird, like the ones I see in my garden often. Painted 4/18/2017.

Another piece of dishware in the butterfly garden series. This time I added ladybugs! Painted late 2017.