
Why do we Baptize?

It is the great commission of our Lord Jesus that we would, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 Through water and the Word of God in baptism, we reiceive forgiveness of sin and rise to newness of life by being joined to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Romans 6:3-4 God proclaims His Word in baptism to bring about faith. In baptism, we are “born again of the Spirit” John 3:5 to begin a new life in Christ to love God and serve others.

What is an appropriate age for baptism? 

Since the first days of the Christian Church, infants and adults have been baptized. We believe God is the one who acts at baptism through the earthly element of water connected to his steadfast Word. When infants are baptized, parents and godparents make promises for their child until the child is old enough to affirm these promises for themselves at confirmation (typically around age 14).

Do I have to be a member? 

Baptism is open to all who believe and wish to be baptized in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, whether you are a member of a Lutheran Church or not.  We do believe, however, that a person is joined to the community of faith through baptism. In baptism, commitments are made to enter a life-long journey of faith within a congregation. We strongly recommend families to be connected to a faith community. 

What if I was raised in another faith tradition?

We believe there is only one lifelong Christian baptism in the triune God (In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). There is no need to be “re-baptized” when someone comes to the Lutheran church from another Christian faith,which believes in the Triune God and that Jesus is God. Also, if someone, who has been baptized, feels they have fallen away from the faith at a time, we direct them of their one-time Baptism. God’s Word at baptism holds firm!

Baptismal Sponsors 

Sponsors have a calling to encourage the child in Christian faith. Sponsors can be any family member or friend who is a Christian believing in the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Emergency Baptism 

In cases of a life-threatening situation, a person may be baptized by any Christian with water from any source “in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Should a person die before a baptism can take place, in place of baptism, we commend the person to God's promises of life and salvation revealed in Jesus.

So I’ve been baptized. What now?

Baptism is not a “one and done” event. Baptism is rather the first step in a life-long journey of faith in community with other believers in the world we are called to work and serve. If you are baptizing your child, you are making promises to teach them the Christian faith, to bring them to worship and Sunday School, and to attend worship yourself. It’s important you work on your own spirituality to help them grow theirs. With the help of your sponsors and church, you will continue to teach them about God’s love through Jesus Christ hopefully through their own affirmation of baptism and beyond in a lifetime of service.