primary approaches to supportive housing

Housing First approach that emphasizes rapid connection to permanent housing, while mitigating the negative and traumatic effects of homelessness. An effective crisis response system:

 Identifies people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness

 Prevents homelessness whenever possible

 Provides immediate access to shelter and crisis services without barriers to entry, as stable housing and supports are being secured

 Quickly connects people who experience homelessness to housing assistance and/ or services tailored to the unique strengths and needs of households and which enable them to achieve and maintain permanent housing

Challenges and Gaps

The surveyed CoCs report a number of challenges in providing housing and services to youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. Barriers include a lack of available resources, such as insufficient services, funding, or housing resources for youth. Surveyed CoCs note challenges in identifying and engaging youth, in part, because youth experiencing homelessness do not often reach out for assistance from the homeless service system or other mainstream services.

Other challenges noted by surveyed CoCs include a lack of affordable housing, limited educational and employment opportunities, and difficulty in serving minors (youth under age 18) who cannot sign contracts or leases for housing, cannot consent to data sharing, and often require parental consent to receive shelter assistance or other health and behavioral health services.