The Sacramental Life is at the heart of our Catholic Faith. As a Catholic Parish we make every effort to provide the Sacraments to all the faithful and the preparation necessary to receive them. The heart of our Sacramental Life is the celebration of Mass as a community every Sunday.
"The Christian faithful have the right to receive assistance from the sacred pastors out of the spiritual goods of the Church, especially the word of God and the sacraments." - Canon 213
"[The Parish Priest] is to work so that the Christian faithful are nourished through the devout celebration of the sacraments and, in a special way, that they frequently approach the sacraments of the Most Holy Eucharist and penance [reconciliation/Confession]. He is also to endeavor that they are led to practice prayer even as families and take part consciously and actively in the sacred liturgy which, under the authority of the diocesan bishop, the pastor must direct in his own parish and is bound to watch over so that no abuses creep in." - Canon 528.2