Prayers & Reflections

Laudato Si’ Movement Prayer Book 

The Laudato Si’ Movement prayer book supports the journey of ecological conversion and action. It can be downloaded for free and has eight sections: prayers from Laudato Si’; praying with creation; hearing creation’s song; hearing creation’s cry; hearing creation’s call; prayers for daily life; morning and evening prayers; and the Laudato Si’ Rosary.

Prayer for the Fifth Anniversary of the Encyclical Laudato Si’ 

Common Prayer for Earth and for Humanity


Loving God,

Creator of Heaven, Earth, and all therein contained.

Open our minds and touch our hearts,

so that we can be part of Creation, your gift.

Be present to those in need in these difficult times, 

especially the poorest and most vulnerable.

Help us to show creative solidarity 

as we confront the consequences of the global pandemic.

Make us courageous in embracing the changes required to seek the common good.

Now more than ever, may we all feel interconnected and interdependent.

Enable us to succeed in listening and responding 

to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor.

May their current sufferings become the birth-pangs 

of a more fraternal and sustainable world.

We pray through Christ our Lord, 

under the loving gaze of Mary Help of Christians.


Lenten Reflection Guide 2020:  A Journey Toward Ecological Conversion

This Lenten Reflection Guide from the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns focuses on the topic of "ecological conversion."  This guide helps us to reflect on our interconnected relationships with God, neighbour, and all creation; consider how these relationships are broken and in need of healing; and reflect on how God calls us to repentance and renewal on the journey towards the joy of Easter.

Ecological Examen

Reconciling God, Creation, and Humanity is a reflection tool created by the Jesuits to heed Pope Francis’ call in Laudato Si’ to care for creation and to reconcile our relationship with God, creation and one another.

The Ecological Examen is a tool for prayer, reflection and action as individuals in their home, parish, school, university or community deepen our call to care for creation and the most vulnerable. Please join the Ignatian Family in seeking a conversion of heart to embrace ecological justice and Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home.


1. I give thanks to God for creation and for being wonderfully made. Where did I feel God’s presence in creation today?

2.  I ask for the grace to see creation as God does – in all its splendor and suffering. Do I see the beauty of creation and hear the cries of the earth and the poor?

3.  I ask for the grace to look closely to see how my life choices impact creation and the poor and vulnerable. What challenges or joys do I experience as I recall my care for creation? How can I turn away from a throwaway culture and instead stand in solidarity with creation and the poor?

4.  I ask for the grace of conversion towards ecological justice and reconciliation. Where have I fallen short in caring for creation and my brothers and sisters? How do I ask for a conversion of heart?

5.  I ask for the grace to reconcile my relationship with God, creation and humanity, and to stand in solidarity through my actions. How can I repair my relationship with creation and make choices consistent with my desire for reconciliation with creation?

6.  I offer a closing prayer for the earth and the vulnerable in our society.

A Prayer for Our Earth 

Pope Francis, Laudato Si, n 246.

All-powerful God, 

you are present in the whole universe 

and in the smallest of your creatures. 

You embrace with your tenderness all that exists. 

Pour out upon us the power of your love, 

that we may protect life and beauty. 

Fill us with peace, that we may live 

as brothers and sisters, harming no one. 

O God of the poor, 

help us to rescue the abandoned 

and forgotten of this earth, 

so precious in your eyes. 

Bring healing to our lives, 

that we may protect the world and not prey on it, 

that we may sow beauty, 

not pollution and destruction. 

Touch the hearts 

of those who look only for gain 

at the expense of the poor and the earth. 

Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, 

to be filled with awe and contemplation, 

to recognise that we are profoundly united 

with every creature 

as we journey towards your infinite light. 

We thank you for being with us each day. 

Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle 

for justice, love and peace.