About Us

About St. Joan of Arc Creation Care Ministry:

This ministry is inspired by Pope Francis’ call to everyone to care for our common home which is facing a growing social and ecological crisis. Grounded in prayer, shared learning and dialogue, this group seeks to facilitate and collaborate around opportunities in the parish for deepening ecological spirituality, awareness, practices and solidarity. It includes possibilities for outreach and collaboration with the broader community around care for creation.

“All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation...” Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ #14


Monthly, 2nd Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.

Please check the calendar to confirm as there are occasional date changes.

New members are welcome! If you are thinking about joining Creation Care Ministry at St. Joan of Arc Parish, come and participate at one of our monthly meetings. We hope you will decide to join us!

Contact Us:


St. Joan of Arc Parish

1701 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M6P 1B1
