Inspiring Stories

February 14, 2023:  Vatican and Stockholm Environment Institute launch new resource—Our Common Home: A guide to caring for our living planet 

December 19, 2022:  Faiths at COP 15 News—Faith communities celebrate a global deal to protect nature while calling for governments and civil society to ratchet up ambition 

December 6, 2022:  No More Biodiversity Loss! A rallying call to action for Laudato Si Movement (LSM) at COP15—on December 12th, LSM handed over the Healthy Planet Healthy People Petition to the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biodiversity, Ms Elizabeth Mrema, with the signatures and demands of more than 200,000 Catholics and more than 430 partner organizations. 

October 4, 2022:  Vatican presents accession to UN and Paris Climate Agreements 

October 4, 2022:  New Laudato Si’ film launched in Rome—The Letter, a film about dialogue that calls for a change of heart 

June 3, 2022:  Laudato Si’ Week sees Catholic Church take action in record numbers 

June 4, 2021 Pope Francis lends support to UN effort to restore degraded ecosystems 

May 28, 2021:  Top 5 Laudato Si’ Week 2021 highlights 

May 25, 2021:  Launch of Laudato Si’ Action Platform culminates Laudato Si’ Week 2021 as Catholics around the world respond to Pope Francis’ call 

May 17, 2021:  Faith institutions divest from fossil fuels and call for just recovery ahead of G7 and COP26 

March 25, 2021: Supreme Court rules Ottawa's carbon tax is constitutional

In 6-3 decision, top court finds federal government can impose nationwide pricing standards.

January 4, 2021: Mission response to the challenges and changes of 2021

June 22, 2020:  Vatican issues sweeping new environmental guidelines


June 1, 2020:  Development and Peace – Caritas Canada joins the call for a just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic


May 28, 2020:  Top 5 Laudato Si’ Week Highlights

May 18, 2020:  Faith institutions call for a just recovery by divesting from fossil fuels

Vatican announces a Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year from May 2020 – May 2021 with plans to grow a Laudato Si’ inspired network'%20Anniv%20Year%202020-2021.pdf

April 22, 2020:  For the Love of Creation—A faith-based initiative for climate justice