PD Funding Applications:

Please choose one of the links in this section to apply for PD Funding

Conferences and Workshops:

Print and Submit a Paper Form

Course Work:

Print and Submit a Paper Form

PD Reports:

Both of the reports below must be completed within 30 days of finishing your PD Event. 

Conference, Travel and Course Expense Claim Form

Print and Submit Expense Claim Form for all PD Activities

Post-PD Report

Online Form


The STJATA Professional Development fund is built on the premise that Professional Development is personal, autonomous and self-directed. The fund was created through an agreement between the St. James-Assiniboia School Division and the St. James-Assiniboia Teachers' Association, as part of the Collective Bargaining process. 

STJATA members may apply for grants of up to $3,000 every 3 years for either coursework or conference funding. 

Funding is distributed on a first-come first-served basis. 

Please refer to the guidelines below for detailed information.

Professional Development Finding Guidelines.pdf