Group Benefits

Extended Health Plan

The St. James Assiniboia Teachers’ Association is part of the Manitoba Public School Employee Benefits Plan Trust, which oversees the administration of the Health, Dental, and Group Life Insurance Benefits which are available to STJATA members as well as members across the Province.

The Extended Health plan is a Co-Insurance Plan providing up to 80% of coverage for medical expenses not covered by Provincial Health.

o The Plan provides coverage for you, your partner, and dependents to age 21 or age 25 if registered in a post secondary institution

o 80% of prescription medicine costs are covered up to your pharmacare threshold, or 90% if you use Costco or Express Scripts

o Paramedical services such as physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage, athletic therapy, nutritional counselling and others, each of which is capped at $850.00 per person, per year and has Reasonable and Customary caps on each visit. These cap charges are available on the MPSE website, at

o 100% travel coverage, with no overall maximum and no pre-existing exclusion for trips of less than 90 days.

o Vision coverage up to $200.00 per 24 month period


Extended Health Benefit (with vision coverage) as of September 2017

- Single $62.25/month

- Family $128.00/month

- Premiums are paid in “pre-tax” dollars which means the Government is assuming approximately 40% of the cost

- With our plan, usage is what drives the overall premium costs


- The Extended Benefits Plan is mandatory for all teachers working greater than a .30 FTE and in excess of 60 working days

- Those with other employer linked group coverage have the ability to opt-out of coverage through the Manitoba Public School Employees Benefit Plan.

- Life events provide an option to enrol in the plan, or add a spouse or dependents to the plan

- Should a life event take place, there is a 90 day window to add a spouse or dependent to the plan.

- The forms to enrol in the plan are available at the Division Office.

Plan Information

For a detailed description of dental benefits, services covered, exclusions and limitations, information booklets and newsletters can all be found on the Trust’s website at:

Blue Cross Information

Coverage information, claims history and online claim submission through mybluecross®

24 hours a day:


Customer Service Centre 204.775.0151 (within Winnipeg)

599 Empress Street 1.888.596.1032 (toll-free)

10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday through Friday Monday through Friday

Claims Drop Box

24 hours a day


Manitoba Blue Cross 204.772.1231 (Claims only)

PO Box 1046 Stn Main 24 hours a day

Winnipeg MB R3C 2X7

If you have any questions regarding group benefits you can contact Glen Anderson at the following:


Dental Plan

The St. James Assiniboia Teachers’ Association is part of the Manitoba Public School Employee Benefits Plan Trust, which oversees the administration of the Health, Dental, and Group Life Insurance Benefits which are available to STJATA members as well as members across the Province.

Dental Benefits are subject to a combined maximum of $1,750.00 per person per calendar year.

The Dental plan covers and reimburses, or pays directly, for dental costs in up to three categories:

o Basic – exams, cleanings, x-rays, and fillings the plan provides coverage for up to 90% of eligible expenses

o Major – crowns, bridges, dentures the plan provides coverage for up to 50% of eligible expenses

o Orthodontics – braces, or metal appliances the plan provides coverage for up to 50%, however, the benefits are subject to a combined maximum of $1,750.00 per person per year.

o Covers only dependent children to age 21 or age 25 if registered in a post secondary institution

o The premiums are based on usage within the Association


Dental Premiuims as of September 2017:

- Single $35.00/month

- Couple $69.75/month

- Family $112.50/month

- Premiums are paid in “pre-tax” dollars which means the Government is assuming approximately 40% of the cost

- With our plan, Divisional usage is what drives the overall premium costs


- The Dental Plan is mandatory for all teachers working greater than a .30 FTE and in excess of 60 working days

- Those with other employer linked group coverage have the ability to opt-out of coverage through the Manitoba Public School Employees Benefit Plan.

- Life events provide an option to enrol in the plan, or add a spouse or dependents to the plan

- Should a life event take place, there is a 90 day window to add a spouse or dependent to the plan.

- The forms to enrol in the plan are available at the Division Office.

Plan Information

For a detailed description of dental benefits, services covered, exclusions and limitations, information booklets and newsletters can all be found on the Trust’s website at:

Blue Cross Information

Coverage information, claims history and online claim submission through mybluecross®

24 hours a day:


Customer Service Centre 204.775.0151 (within Winnipeg)

599 Empress Street 1.888.596.1032 (toll-free)

10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday through Friday Monday through Friday

Claims Drop Box

24 hours a day


Manitoba Blue Cross 204.772.1231 (Claims only)

PO Box 1046 Stn Main 24 hours a day

Winnipeg MB R3C 2X7

If you have any questions regarding group benefits you can contact Glen Anderson at the following:


Group Life Insurance

The St. James Assiniboia Teachers’ Association is part of the Manitoba Public School Employee Benefits Plan Trust, which oversees the administration of the Health, Dental, and Group Life Insurance Benefits which are available to STJATA members as well as members across the Province.

All teachers, full or part time, employed for over 60 days are insured to 200% of salary. The employer pays 50%(taxable benefit) and the employee pays the other 50% of the premium.

The premium is calculated based on the following formula:

o The premium is based on $0.11 per $1,000.00 of insurance (i.e. $75,000.00 x 0.11 = $8.25/month).

o Teachers can elect to add insurance at either 300%-700% of salary at their own cost

Additional Life Insurance

o Family Insurance – teachers can add insurance at their own cost for either their spouse or dependents. They can opt to purchase insurance payable in a lump sum.

§ spouse $20,000.00

§ dependent $10,000.00

o Accidental Death and Insurance – teachers can and accidental death and dismemberment insurance at their own cost

§ they can purchase units of $18,000.00 to a maximum of $360,000.00

§ the cost of the units are $0.50 per single or $0.75 per unit of family

Things to be mindful of when purchasing insurance:

o Make sure your beneficiary information is kept up to date to ensure the right person receives the benefit upon claim

o Life events including marriage, birth of first child, and death provide the individual with a 90 window to increase insurance without the need for medical evidence

o You may increase you insurance coverage at any time, but may be required to provide medical evidence

o The forms to enrol in the plan are available at the Division Office

Plan Information

For a detailed description of benefits, coverage, payment scales, information booklets and newsletters can all be found on the Trust’s website at:

If you have any questions regarding group benefits you can contact Glen Anderson at the following:


MTS Optional Life Insurance

MTS members can purchase additional group life insurance.

o Available to MTS members/former MTS members and their spouses, and term teachers up to age 70

o Used to supplement any other life insurance you may have

o Up to $250,000.00 of coverage is available to both you and uyour spouse in units of $10,000.00

o Up to $50,000.00 of coverage is available for each dependent child in units of $10,000.00

o If either you or your spouse apply for coverage, each dependent child will automatically qualify for $10,000.00 of coverage at no additional cost to you

o Smoker and non-smoker rates are age-banded

o If your employment situation changes, both you and your spouse have the option to convert up to $200,000.00 of your coverage to an individual policy

o You and your spouse can apply to increase or decrease your coverage amount at any time as your coverage needs change

Things to be mindful of when purchasing MTS Optional Life insurance:

o Under the Manitoba Public School Employees Group Life Insurance Plan, premiums are $0.11 per $1,000.00 in coverage

o Unless spouses are public school employees, they don’t qualify for MPSE Group Life Insurance

o Approximately 70% of teachers are females, since coverage for males is more expensive, Optional Life premiums will provide a cheaper alternative than individual plans

o The Optional Life Plan is overseen by the Group Benefits Standing Committee of MTS, and is insured by Sun Life.

Plan Information

For a detailed description of benefits, coverage, premium scales, information booklets and newsletters can all be found on the MTS website at:

If you have any questions regarding group benefits you can contact Glen Anderson at the following:


MTS Long Term Disability Plan

The MTS Long Term Disability Plan is applicable to all teachers. The Plan provides a source of income replacement during periods of illness or injury that exceed the greater of your sick time or 80 days. MTS members qualify for the Long Term Disability Plan so long as they are working over 0.3 FTE and have longer than 40 days until the age of termination, which is determined as being age 60 or over, and 30 years of pensionable service/or a maximum age of 65

Your coverage consists of:

o 60% of gross salary (non taxable) which is approximately 80% of net salary

o covers teachers for any medically diagnosed, disabling condition that prevents the employee from being able to perform their normal and customary duties to a 60% equivalent FTE

The Premium is currently set at 1.39% of salary

Contact Information:

Disability Benefits Plan

Bradley Square, 101-2639 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3J 0P7

Phone: (204) 957-5330

Toll Free: 1-866-504-9373

Fax: (204) 957-5347

Toll Free: 1-866-216-9014

If you have any questions regarding group benefits you can contact Glen Anderson at the following:


MTS Short Term Disability Plan

The MTS Long Term Disability Plan is applicable to all teachers. The Plan provides a source of income replacement where sick time does not provide income replacement during the 80 day waiting period prior to the commencement of Long Term Disability income replacement

Your coverage consists of:

o 60% of gross salary (non taxable) which is approximately 80% of net salary, the same is an the case of the Long Term Disability Plan

o covers all contract employees

o covers teachers for any medically diagnosed, disabling condition that prevents the employee from being able to perform their normal and customary duties for more than 3 days to a 60% equivalent FTE

Premium is currently set at 0.17% of salary, and ranges from approximately $4.00 to $11.00 per month

Contact Information:

Disability Benefits Plan

Bradley Square, 101-2639 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3J 0P7

Phone: (204) 957-5330

Toll Free: 1-866-504-9373

Fax: (204) 957-5347

Toll Free: 1-866-216-9014

If you have any questions regarding group benefits you can contact Glen Anderson at the following:
