New Member Info


The Code of Professional Practice establishes the required standards of conducts for all members of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society. A teacher’s professional behaviour must reflect the spirit as well as the letter of the Code.

1. A member’s first professional responsibility is to her or his students.

2. A member acts with integrity and diligence in carrying out professional responsibilities.

3. A member avoids involvement in a conflict of interest, recognizes that a privileged relationship with students exists and refrains from exploiting that relationship for material, ideological or other advantage.

4. A member’s conduct is characterized by consideration and good faith. She or he speaks and acts with respect and dignity, and deals judiciously with others, always mindful of their rights.

5. A member respects the confidential nature of information concerning students and may give the information only to authorized personnel or agencies directly concerned with the individual student’s welfare.

6. A member first directs any criticism of the professional activity and related work of a colleague to that colleague in private. Only after informing the colleague of the intent to do so, the complainant may direct in confidence the criticism to appropriate officials through the proper channels of communication. A member shall not be considered in contravention of this section in the following circumstances:

a) consulting with the Society or the president of the member’s local association;

b) taking any action that is allowed or mandated by legislation.

c) where the member is acting in good faith and without malice in the discharge of the legitimate duties of his or her appointed or elected position.

7. A member does not bypass immediate authority to reach higher authority without first exhausting the proper channels of communication.

8. A member makes an ongoing effort to improve professionally.

9. A member adheres to collective agreements negotiated by the professional organization

10. A member or group of members makes only authorized representations to outside bodies on behalf of the Society or its local associations. Without the express permission of the Society, no member(s) conferring with outside bodies may explicitly or implicitly claim that they represent the Society or its local associations.

Violations of the Code shall be addressed through application of the Bylaws (Amended at the MTS Annual General Meeting, 2012).


Le Code de déontologie énonce les normes de conduite pour tous les membres de la Manitoba Teachers' Society, qu'il s'agisse d'un poste rémunérateur en vertu d'une Convention collective ou d'un emplacement imposé ou élu. Le comportement professionnel d'un membre doit refléter tant l'esprit que la lettre du Code.1

1. La première responsabilité professionnelle d'un membre se porte sur ses élèves.

2. Le membre s'acquitte de ses responsabilités professionnelles avec diligence et intégrité.

3. Le membre évite de se retrouver en situation de conflit d'intérêt, reconnaît l'existence de rapports privilégiés avec les élèves et s'abstient d'exploiter ces rapports en vue d'obtenir des avantages matériels, idéologiques ou autres.

4. La conduite d'un membre est caractérisée par la contrepartie et la bonne foi. Il ou elle parle et agit avec respect et dignité et se conduit judicieusement avec les autres, toujours de leurs droits.

5. Le membre respecte le caractère confidentiel des renseignements recueillis au sujet des élèves et ne divulgue ces renseignements qu'aux personnes autorisées ou aux organismes chargés de veiller directement au bien-être de l’élève en question.

6. Le membre dirige d'abord toute critique de l'activité professionnelle et des travaux connexes d'un collègue à ce collègue en privé. Seulement après avoir informé le collègue de l'intention de le faire, le plaignant peut acheminer la critique, à titre confidentiel, aux autorités compétentes par l'entremise des voies appropriées de communication. Le membre n'est pas considéré en violation du présent article selon les cas suivants :

a) suite à une consultation avec la Société ou le président de l'association locale du

membre ;

b) la possibilité de prendre toute action autorisée ou prescrite en vertu de la Loi ;

c) là où le membre agit de bonne foi et sans malice dans l'accomplissement des tâches légitimes de son poste imposé ou élu.

7. Le membre ne contourne pas l'autorité immédiate pour passer à une autorité supérieure sans avoir épuisé les voies appropriées de communication.

8. Le membre cherche constamment à se perfectionner au plan professionnel.

9. Le membre se conforme aux conventions collectives négociées par l'association professionnelle.

10. Seuls le membre ou un groupe de membres autorisés peuvent représenter la Manitoba Teachers' Society ou ses associations locales auprès d'organismes extérieurs. Sans la permission expresse de la Manitoba Teachers' Society, aucun membre du personnel enseignant discutant avec des organismes extérieurs ne pourra prétendre implicitement ou explicitement représenter la Manitoba Teachers' Society ou ses associations locales.

Toute infraction au Code doit être traitée dans le cadre de l'application des Règlements administratifs (amandés lors de l’AGA de la MTS 2012).

St. James Assiniboia Teachers’ Association


The St. James Assiniboia Teachers' Association represents over 700 teachers who are employed by the St. James Assiniboia School Division. Our Association is dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights and well-being of our members.

President: Kent McPherson

An ex-officio of all committees.

Vice President: Joel Yerex

Portfolio: Negotiations

Secretary: Leanna Crawshaw

Portfolio: Communications

Treasurer: Jennifer Peters

Portfolio: STJATA Finance, Reserve Fund, Ed Finance


Name Portfolio

Danessa Poiron Professional Issues and Professional Development

Stacy Kent Professional Issues and Professional Development

Kyle Briggs Teacher Welfare/Workplace Safety and Health/MTS AGM Committee

Sam Amaral Communication/Public Relations

Gary Fewer Wellness/Member Engagement/Group Benefits

April Waters Equity & Social Justice/Indigenous Education/Women in Educational Leadership

Contact Information

To contact the President or the Association please call 204-888-1314 or email (Confidential/secure email address)

Manitoba Teachers’ Society (MTS)


The Manitoba Teachers’ Society is dedicated to safeguarding the welfare of teachers, the status of the teaching profession and the cause of public education in Manitoba.


1. To provide for its members an organization that will give them an equal, effective and democratic opportunity to pursue their interests and aspirations as teachers.

2. To achieve for and utilize on behalf of its members a system of collective bargaining that will permit a fair and open negotiation of all economic benefits, professional rights and conditions of work of teachers.

3. To ensure for its members opportunities to develop their professional skills as teachers.

4. To protect and defend the individual rights of its members as teachers.

5. To positively influence educational change.

6. To be recognized as an effective agent of public education so that government will consult and maintain a continuous dialogue with teachers.

My Profile

An invaluable source of information for the Society and the Association is the “My Profile” site found on the MTS homepage . All members new to the Society must register by visiting the “My Profile” site. Please use your home computer to register.


All members of MTS can access services offered through the Educator Assistance Program. Individual, marital, family and group counseling sessions in French and English are available to all members. All services are confidential and voluntary.


All teachers who belong to MTS are eligible for discounts at various retailers and businesses throughout the province of Manitoba.

For a complete listing of the discounts please visit the MTS Members' Discount Program page on the MTS website.

STJATA Benefits

As a member of the St James Assiniboia Teachers’ Association you are entitled to a number of benefits. Listed below are some of the links to specific information for teachers in St. James Assiniboia. You can also visit sites through the Manitoba Public School Employee Benefit plan website at

Note - These documents and summaries are provided for your convenience. In the event of any difference between the terms in the documents and those of the Agreement, the terms of the Group Agreement shall prevail. This is a brief description of some of your benefits and plans. We recommend that you take the time to read all information on websites, pamphlets etc. to ensure you fully understand all your benefits, their limitations and your responsibilities.

Teachers Retirement Allowances Fund (TRAF)

TRAF is your Defined Benefit pension. Upon retirement or access, it will pay a defined pension, until your death, based on a formula that includes your years of pensionable service, and the average salary, at your class and step, over the best 5 years out of the last 12. It is not directly dependent on market returns.

Additional Voluntary Contributions –Through your employer, and your regular pay, you can make additional voluntary contributions to the TRAF plan and they will count in your allowable pension contribution room under the Income Tax Act. (RRSP)

You can access your own personal pension information at

Manitoba Public School Employees (MPSE) Group Life Insurance

As public school employees you must have life insurance to 200% of your salary. The premium for this is cost shared, 50/50 by the division and you. You can also elect to have the insurance extended to 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700% of salary. The premiums for all elected amounts are paid by you, the employee. Premiums are not age banded and are $0.10 per thousand of insurance. The amount of insurance, above 200%, is decided by you upon commencement of employment/enrolment. They can be increased or decreased either 90 days before or after a ‘Life event’ (marriage, divorce, common law after one year, or birth of first child, death) without providing medical evidence of insurability. It can also be increased or decreased at any time by providing medical evidence of insurability.

MPSE Extended Health

You have an Extended Health plan that is governed by a trust between MSBA, the Manitoba School Boards Association, and MTS. Enrolment and coverage is compulsory for all new teachers who sign a limited or general contract over 60 days in length and over 0.3 FTE. (If you already have access to an employer or employment administered group plan through your spouse or you are eligible for the NIHB plan then you may opt out of the Extended Health plan. )

The plan is paid out of pre-tax income and as result reduces the premium costs for the member. Premiums are taken off of gross or pre-tax income and the individual is then paid salary, net of the premium, and those monies are paid to the plan, by the employer, for services covered by the plan. As result the individual is not paying the tax on that income and the whole value goes to paying the costs of the coverage.


Enrolment and coverage, in participating Associations, is compulsory for all new teachers who sign a limited or general contract over 60 days in length and over 0.3 FTE. (If you have access to an employer or employment administered group plan through your spouse or you are eligible for the NIHB plan then you may opt out of the Extended Health plan. )

The plan is paid out of pre-tax income and as result reduces the premium costs for the member. Premiums are taken off of gross or pre tax income and the individual is then paid salary, net of the premium, and those monies are paid to the plan, by the employer, for dental costs. As result the individual is not paying the tax on that income and the whole value goes to paying the costs of the coverage. Each Association can determine the level of coverage within a framework offered by the trust. More information on the insurance can be found at

MTS Long Term Disability Insurance

Disability insurance provides income replacement when one becomes disabled from employment. All MTS members working over a 0.3 FTE (full time equivalent) and who have a contract over 40 days participate in the plan, (MTS Long Term DBP). The plan is self insured which means that the Society determines all parameters of the plan. Benefit level is approximately 80% of one’s pre-disability net income and is not taxable and is pensionable. The benefit will start after 80 days of disability, (the waiting period), or in the event the member’s sick time exceeds 80 days then benefit will commence when sick time runs out. Medical evidence of disability will be required to make a claim.

MTS Short Term Disability insurance

The plan pays a benefit, if disabled, where one does not have enough sick time to cover the 80 day waiting period for MTS Long term DBP. The benefit is the same as the MTS Long term DBP and also requires medical evidence of disability. One exhausts their sick time first, then the benefit commences and runs to 80 days.

Blue Cross Dental Benefits

Blue Cross dental coverage is compulsory for all contract teachers. New employees become eligible for benefits immediately (providing an application has been received.) This monthly premium is in pre-tax dollars. To opt out of the Blue Cross dental plan, the employee must complete the Waiver of Benefits – Dental Plan form and provide proof of spousal coverage. If an application or proof of spousal coverage is not received, the employee will be deducted the monthly premiums through payroll.

Dental benefits are subject to a maximum of $1500 per person per calendar year. Plan participants will be reimbursed 80% for “Basic” and “Major” dental services and 50% for Orthodontics for dependent children under 21 years of age (25 years of age and a full-time student). There are single, couple and family premium rates.

Teachers working less than 30% contract time are not eligible for this plan while teachers signed to a Limited Term Teacher–General Contract are only eligible if their contract is for 60 consecutive teaching days or more in the school year.

Blue Cross Extended Health Benefits

Blue Cross extended health coverage is compulsory for all contract teachers working 30% or more while teachers signed to a Limited Term Teacher–General Contract are only eligible if their contract is for 60 consecutive teaching days or more in the school year. New employees become eligible for benefits immediately (providing an application has been received.) This monthly premium is in pre-tax dollars. To opt out of the Blue Cross Extended Health Plan, the employee must complete the Waiver of Benefits – Extended Health Plan form and provide proof of spousal coverage. If an application or proof of spousal coverage is not received, the employee will be deducted the monthly premiums through payroll.

Ambulance Service

Full coverage is provided within the province.

Prescription Drugs

Plan participants will be notified to register with Pharmacare when incurred costs for drugs or medicines have reached $1000 per contract during the Pharmacare year. If proof of registration is not received, payment of charges for drugs will be suspended once the incurred costs reach $1500 per contract during that Pharmacare year. Once proof of registration with Pharmacare is received payment for eligible prescriptions will resume. The same rule applies to dependent children except the drug maximum is $100 and the suspension occurs at the $200 maximum.

Unlimited Travel Health Benefits

Coverage is provided while traveling on vacation or business providing the trip is less than 90 days.

Blue Cross Customer E-Service

Customer E-service is now available for subscribers to register and get plan information. Simply register online ( It gives you 24 hour, 7 days a week access to:

STJATA Professional Development Fund

Who is eligible to apply for STJATA Professional Development Funds?

For the purposes of Personal Professional Development all professional staff are considered to be teachers as per the Collective Agreement. All teachers on a permanent contract, except those on leave, have equal access to funds regardless of contract time.

Where do I find info about the STJATA Professional Development Fund?

On our website See the Professional Development tab.

Where can I find the Guidelines for the STJATA Professional Development Fund?

On the Professional Development page of our website.

How Do I Apply for STJATA Professional Development Funds?

1. Get the application form from our website.

2. Complete the form and have your local school administrator sign it.

3. Send the form via FAX, email or division mail to STJATA

What if I cannot attend the event?

Inform the Association as soon as possible. This allows the Association to free up the funds for others to access.

What criteria are used to determine funding?

The STJATA Professional Development fund is built on the premise that Professional Development is personal, autonomous and self-directed. The fund has created through an agreement between the St. James Assiniboia School Division and the St. James Assiniboia Teachers' Association, as part of the Collective Bargaining process.

What am I eligible for?

STJATA members may apply for grants of up to a maximum of $2,700 every 3 years (starting in October 2017).

Funds are allocated on a first come first served basis.

What happens when there are multiple applications for one event?

1. The maximum amount paid for any one activity will be limited to a total of $10,500.

What does the STJATA Professional Development Fund fund?

Funding is provided for the costs involved directly with, and occurring as a result of, attending a professional development activity that is related to the teaching profession.

This includes registration, travel, meals, and accommodations.

What does the STJATA Professional Development Fund not fund?

  1. Auxiliary items such as books and materials.

  2. STJATA PD will not fund activities that take place in states that have current legislation, which legalizes discrimination towards any group based on race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identification. STJATA will monitor and advise applicants if there is a issue with the chosen location

How do I get reimbursed?

  1. You will only be reimbursed for previously approved amounts.

  2. Reimbursement will be made upon actual itemized original receipts submitted, which must show the exact amounts claimed, including rate of exchange, if applicable.

  3. If receipts are not provided, this may result in a request from STJATA to return any monies already received.

Quick Reference Contacts

St. James Assiniboia Teachers’ Association

203-2639 Portage Ave.

Winnipeg, MB


Ph: 204-888-1314 Fax: 204-831-0140



Manitoba Teachers’ Society

191 Harcourt Street

Winnipeg, MB

R3J 3H2

Ph: 204-888-7961 Fax: 204-831-0877

After hours Ph: 204-946-2725


MTS Disability Fund

101-2639 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, MB

R3J 0P7

Ph: 204-957-5330 or 1-866-504-9373

Fax: 204-957-5347 or 1-866-216-9014


TRAF (Teacher Pension Plan)

330-25 Forks Market Road

Winnipeg, MB

R3C 4S8

Ph: 204- 949-0048 Fax: 204-944-0361

Toll Free: 1-800-782-0714



Manitoba Education and Training 204-945-7912

Bureau de l’éducation française 204-945-6916

Curriculum Guides 1-800-305-5515

Manitoba Blue Cross 204-775-015

Educator Assistance Program 204-837-5801