


    • to ensure the website of the St. James-Assiniboia Teachers’ Association is maintained in a timely fashion;
    • to promote the St. James-Assiniboia Teachers’ Association through publicity venues;
    • to promote excellent communication between the St. James-Assiniboia Teachers’ Association Executive, Council and general membership.
    • to encourage member engagement and a positive promotion of the Association

Equity and Social Justice


    • safe, respectful and inclusive teaching environments;
    • discrimination;
    • equity, which is defined as fairness achieved through proactive measures which result in empowerment for all;
    • social justice, which is defined as a quality in a society when all members of that society are treated equitably and perceive themselves to be physically and psychologically safe and secure.

Member Engagement


    • to prepare By-law changes and to develop resolutions to be ratified by Council and submitted to the Annual General Meeting of the Provincial Council;
    • to solicit names of delegates to the Annual General Meeting;
    • to call preparatory meeting(s) of the Association representatives to the Provincial Council of The Manitoba Teachers' Society to inform delegates of Association policy pertaining to proposed resolutions and to familiarize delegates with the binder;
    • to present names of candidates for Executive and other provincially elected positions to the Annual General Meeting of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society
    • to organize an election campaign, if required, for all candidates in (d) above
    • to assume responsibility for the Association’s delegation at the Annual General Meeting of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society.



    • to prepare By-law changes and to develop resolutions to be ratified by Council and submitted to the Annual General Meeting of the Provincial Council;
    • to solicit names of delegates to the Annual General Meeting;
    • to call preparatory meeting(s) of the Association representatives to the Provincial Council of The Manitoba Teachers' Society to inform delegates of Association policy pertaining to proposed resolutions and to familiarize delegates with the binder;
    • to present names of candidates for Executive and other provincially elected positions to the Annual General Meeting of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society
    • to organize an election campaign, if required, for all candidates in (d) above
    • to assume responsibility for the Association’s delegation at the Annual General Meeting of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society.



  • to study the salaries and other matters pertaining to the collective agreement which may be brought to the attention of the Committee by the Executive, by Council, or by the membership;
  • to compile proposals to be presented to Council for ratification;
  • to negotiate a collective agreement with the St. James-Assiniboia School Division;
  • to keep a record of negotiations and of any relevant materials pertaining thereto;
  • the President, Past President, and Vice President, Secretary and/or the Teacher Welfare Chairperson and/or the Professional Issues Chairperson shall act as the Association representatives on the Board-Association Agreement Committee for the purpose of interpretation, discussion and settlement of matters of joint concern arising out of the collective agreement.
  • The President, Past President, and Vice President, the Secretary and/or the Teacher Welfare Chairperson and/or Professional Issues Chairperson and up to three (3) other members from the Negotiations committee shall form the Table Team to negotiate with the School Board during the negotiating of a new collective agreement.



    • to organize and oversee the St. James-Assiniboia Teachers’ Association Executive election

Professional Issues


  • to monitor policies, issues and concerns related to education;
  • to take appropriate action to present the views of the Association in all phases of inservice education and curriculum development;
  • to initiate inservice education and curriculum development programs;
  • to receive and disseminate information related to education issues

Professional Development Fund


    • To manage the Professional Development Fund
    • To develop, review and update funding guidelines as required
    • To review, approve or reject applications from members for funding grants
    • To advocate for autonomous professional development for teachers
    • To foster a positive professional development within the school division
    • To help seek professional development opportunities for teachers

Reserve Fund


  • To carry out the provisions of Article 10.

Teacher Welfare


    • to monitor working conditions and to compile proposals to be presented to the Executive and to Council;
    • to make recommendations to the Negotiations Committee regarding conditions of employment;
    • to be responsible for matters such as: pensions, salary continuance insurance, group insurance, medical and dental insurance, Supplementary Employment Benefits plans and daycare;
    • to ensure that all members are kept informed on benefits available to them, and to ensure that all members are receiving the benefits to which they are entitled;
    • to deal with matters pertaining to Workplace Safety and Health.