What Is A Solar Farm

Did you know that the sun produces enough energy in a single hour to provide all of the world's energy requirements for a year?

We are only beginning to tap into the full potential of the sun, which is an amazing source of energy.

Because of this, the renewable energy construction industry is starting to boom and solar farms are springing up all over the country.

They are emerging in all forms and sizes, ranging from modest installations for small localities to enormous utility-scale solar farms that supply energy to thousands of houses.

We'll go over what a solar farm is and how much power it can generate in the following article.


A solar farm is a solar installation where the power of the sun is harnessed using photovoltaic (PV) panels, also known as solar panels.

These solar arrays are distinct from commercial solar power systems and even rooftop solar systems.

Solar parks and solar power plants are other names for solar farms.

They function as power plants, producing electricity for the grid much like a natural gas power plant or other energy-generating facilities.

Solar farms, in contrast to residential and commercial systems, are decentralized and typically comprise ground-mounted solar panels spread out across wide areas.

Solar farms are a component of the utility's energy mix and give power to the electric grid rather than local end users like homeowners or businesses.

Large solar farm projects come in various forms, including utility-scale and community solar farms.

Data centers, other major users of solar energy, or other enterprises that have a solar project developed specifically for their use, either onsite or offsite, might all be powered by a solar farm project.


Solar farms use uninhabited territory, usually farmland, to harness the power of the sun.

The electric grid receives the solar energy that is produced.

The owner receives payment from the nearby electric utility for the energy produced.

The fundamental requirements are comparable to a rooftop solar panel installation, but on a much bigger scale.

A solar farm generates solar energy on a sizable piece of land and sells the electricity it produces at a profit to the nearby utility.


Building a solar farm costs less per watt than solar for homes.

Individuals' potential savings, however, are not quite as high.

By using communal solar farms, you may typically reduce your electricity costs by 5–15%.

A solar farm is substantially less expensive to construct than home solar panel systems.

Instead of the typical household installation cost of $2.76 per watt, a solar farm costs between $0.80 and $1.30 per watt.

The price of a solar farm can range from $800,000 to more than 1.3 million dollars due to their enormous size.

That is a lot more expensive than the $20,474 median price for a household installation.

However, utility solar panel farms are typically at least one megawatt (MW) in size, providing electricity for 200 houses' worth of consumers.


Based on scale, there are two different types of solar farms made up of the thousands of solar panel installations in the U.S.

  • Utility-scale

  • Community solar

Size and scale are the main distinctions between utility-scale and community solar farms.

Compared to community solar, utility-scale solar farms typically power a bigger electrical system.

The capacity of utility-scale solar farms can range from 1 MW to 2,000 MW.

Community solar farms typically have a capacity of less than 5 MW.

It's not unusual to locate ones with less than 100 kW.

Who they send their authority to is another significant distinction.

Community solar farm projects provide electricity to locals who have paid a share of the farm's energy output.

As a component of the energy mix it transports on its power lines, utility solar farms serve a nearby utility company and all of its clients.


The amount of electricity a solar farm produces is based on its size.

For instance, the Longyangxia Dam Solar Park in China, which is spread across hundreds of acres, is one of the world's largest solar energy projects.

Every day, the solar farm produces about 850 MW of electricity.

In Riverside County, California, a 550 MW solar farm known as the Desert Sunlight Project was built in 2011.

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, located in the Californian Mojave Desert and capable of producing up to 392 MW per day, is the world's largest solar thermal energy farm.

STEVENS Renewable Energy Construction Services

For the energy generation sector, STEVENS constructs facilities and power systems, including solar installation.

Our union crews have the knowledge and expertise required to satisfy the demands of energy-sector projects thanks to their decades of combined experience servicing clients of all shapes and sizes.

To learn how STEVENs can assist you with your upcoming solar farm project, contact us today!