Modular Processing Facilities for Hydrogen and Other Modular Processing Solutions

The civil construction industry is undergoing a significant transformation towards off-site construction methods to streamline operations and enhance project efficiency.

Among these methods, modular construction has emerged as a leader because it allows components to be prefabricated in controlled environments away from traditional construction sites.

Modular processing plants illustrate this trend, providing a versatile solution for various industrial applications. By prefabricating essential components such as structural frameworks, equipment, and systems off-site, these plants not only expedite construction schedules but also ensure superior quality control and safety standards.

This article explores the transformative impact of modular processing plants across diverse sectors. From energy and manufacturing to pharmaceuticals and beyond, these plants are revolutionizing project execution by offering scalable, adaptable, and environmentally sound solutions.


Modular processing involves assembling complex systems off-site, away from the job site environment. Constructed within controlled assembly lines, modular systems offer increased speed and efficiency compared to on-site construction methods.

This approach simplifies the assembly process for clients, requiring less labor and fewer resources to deploy a fully operational processing unit in the field.

A typical modular system includes columns, reactors, drums, decanters, heat exchangers, pumps, and other essential process equipment mounted on a sturdy structural steel frame. This frame not only supports transportation but also allows easy access for operational maintenance.

Once the process equipment is integrated into the structural frame, final assembly involves piping, field instrumentation, and electrical wiring.

Additional components such as thermal insulation, lighting, control systems, safety features such as showers, and fire protection systems are meticulously installed within the module during assembly.

Prior to deployment, each modular system design undergoes rigorous testing to ensure compliance with mechanical specifications, industry standards, and client-specific requirements. This thorough process ensures that every system delivered meets our clients' precise operational needs and expectations.



By constructing processing units in controlled shop environments, project timelines can be significantly reduced compared to on-site construction. This approach minimizes or eliminates challenges such as weather delays, permitting issues, work stoppages, and logistical constraints like crane availability. Typically, the fabrication of a complete stainless or carbon steel modular process unit, from receiving a purchase order to delivery, takes approximately 7-8 months. This timeline encompasses all stages, from initial engineering and design through to final assembly and testing.


Modular processing plants offer substantial cost savings of 25–30% compared to traditional construction methods. Moreover, modular systems provide firm, lump-sum quotes, ensuring financial predictability and transparency throughout the project.


Modular units are highly versatile, functioning effectively both indoors and outdoors. They can be easily customized and enclosed with walls to protect operational equipment and personnel from adverse weather conditions. This flexibility also allows for discreet placement of process components, ensuring confidentiality from neighboring entities and competitors.


Modular processing enables construction to proceed while waiting for permits, offering flexibility and efficiency in project timelines.


Hydrogen power presents a promising solution for reducing carbon emissions in electricity and transportation. It serves dual roles by storing energy and fueling hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles—such as cars, trains, ships, and planes.

The concept of a hydrogen economy offers a compelling alternative to fossil fuel-based energy sources.

For example, hydrogen-powered vehicles use fuel cells to convert gas into electricity, providing a zero-emissions footprint similar to electric vehicles but without the environmental drawbacks associated with battery banks—like long charging times and limited range. Currently, however, the vast majority of hydrogen production comes from fossil fuels rather than carbon-free sources.

Approximately 95% of the world's hydrogen is produced through processes like steam methane reforming, which involves pressurizing a steam and methane gas mixture with a nickel catalyst, resulting in hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and some carbon dioxide. Scaling up clean hydrogen production is crucial to meeting global transportation fuel demands sustainably.



By constructing processing units in controlled shop environments, project timelines can be significantly reduced compared to on-site construction. This approach minimizes or eliminates challenges such as weather delays, permitting issues, work stoppages, and logistical constraints like crane availability. Typically, the fabrication of a complete stainless or carbon steel modular process unit, from receiving a purchase order to delivery, takes approximately 7-8 months. This timeline encompasses all stages, from initial engineering and design through to final assembly and testing.


Modular processing plants offer substantial cost savings of 25–30% compared to traditional construction methods. Moreover, modular systems provide firm, lump-sum quotes, ensuring financial predictability and transparency throughout the project.


Modular units are highly versatile, functioning effectively both indoors and outdoors. They can be easily customized and enclosed with walls to protect operational equipment and personnel from adverse weather conditions. This flexibility also allows for discreet placement of process components, ensuring confidentiality from neighboring entities and competitors.


Modular processing enables construction to proceed while waiting for permits, offering flexibility and efficiency in project timelines.


Hydrogen power presents a promising solution for reducing carbon emissions in electricity and transportation. It serves dual roles by storing energy and fueling hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles—such as cars, trains, ships, and planes.

The concept of a hydrogen economy offers a compelling alternative to fossil fuel-based energy sources.

For example, hydrogen-powered vehicles use fuel cells to convert gas into electricity, providing a zero-emissions footprint similar to electric vehicles but without the environmental drawbacks associated with battery banks—like long charging times and limited range. Currently, however, the vast majority of hydrogen production comes from fossil fuels rather than carbon-free sources.

Approximately 95% of the world's hydrogen is produced through processes like steam methane reforming, which involves pressurizing a steam and methane gas mixture with a nickel catalyst, resulting in hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and some carbon dioxide. Scaling up clean hydrogen production is crucial to meeting global transportation fuel demands sustainably.


What are some practical applications of modular plants?

One application stands out for its potential to make a global impact.

NuScale Power has unveiled findings from a recent study demonstrating how a single small nuclear NuScale Power Module (NPM) could enable cost-effective production of nearly 50 tons of hydrogen fuel per day.

Conducted by the Idaho National Laboratory, the study reveals that NuScale Power Modules (NPMs) now yield 20% more hydrogen from water due to enhanced power output. NuScale asserts that its process is economically viable, leveraging nuclear reactors that simultaneously produce hydrogen and electricity.

These compact modular reactors can seamlessly transition between hydrogen production and electricity generation to meet varying demand levels. Based in Oregon, NuScale estimates that a single NPM could reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 168,000 tonnes. Each 250 MWt NuScale module can generate 2,053 kg of hydrogen per hour, amounting to nearly 50 metric tons daily.

At current U.S. consumption rates, one NPM could provide enough hydrogen to power 38,000 fuel-cell cars or 1,500 long-haul fuel-cell trucks annually. NuScale's innovative design incorporates a multi-module power plant with integrated steam bypass, enabling clean electricity generation for the grid while efficiently producing hydrogen during periods of low electricity demand.

This hydrogen can be stored for future energy needs or used to fuel a variety of emissions-free vehicles, including cars, trucks, trains, ships, and aircraft.


Modular and prefabricated projects will become even more popular, especially among construction companies that want to reduce costs overall.

There will be many more modular buildings, modular process plants, and other prefabricated civil engineering projects in the future.

The civil construction industry has a very bright future thanks to the potential of modular processing plants.

With over 75 years of quality, dedication, and experience, STEVENS has been planning and working for the future to provide our clients with the very best.

STEVENS has always been on the cutting edge of new technology so that we can give our customers the best service possible.

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