
If you have followed SOMM Wellness for any time now you know that we talk about using a beyond the plate approach to wellness. That means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship(s) cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? We ask you to look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole. With that being said, we recognize that each of us has unique food and lifestyle needs. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets tend to fail in the long run. Working on the principle of bio-individuality, we encourage you to make positive changes that are based on your unique needs, lifestyle, preferences, and ancestral background.

Breaking it down, bio means living organisms and individuality refers to the fact that we are all different.

Through my health coach certification, I was educated on over 100 dietary theories that I can draw from to help each INDIVIDUAL client with their unique needs encompassed by the 5 Pillars of holistic health. It is pretty simple to see when you just look at your closest friends and family. Although you all likely have many things in common, you still have a lot of differences; tastes in foods, movies, tv shows, cars, music, how you take your coffee, etc.

More on the 5 Pillars:

Relationships affect our genes! Sociogenomics is dedicated to studying this for us.

Physical activity is not all about weight loss. It affects our memory, learning, concentration, mood, energy, and stress levels. Just to name a few!

Nutrition covers so much more than just eating low-fat, sugar-free, celery juice, or whatever the latest trend is. Our genes are affected by what we eat, but also how we eat, when we eat, the time of year, etc. There are also other non-food things that also act as nutrition to our bodies. The 4 other pillars all also act in their own ways as nutrition to our bodies.

If we work in a career that stresses us out, then that affects our overall wellness. Stress affects our mind, body, genes, HOW WE EAT, etc.

Not being in touch with our spirituality, not having some sort of mind + body connection, not connected to that feeling or understanding that there is something special deep within us all can leave us feeling out of place in the world, confused, depressed and a whole host of other deep-seated issues that we just cannot put our finger on.

As you can glean from everything above, there is so much more to our "health" than whatever food we are eating and how many calories we are burning from our workouts. So much of it is our genes and hormones and those are affected by stress, our relationships, HOW we move, what we eat, our thoughts, and feelings, as well as social connections. These 5 pillars all interconnected and ALL of those things are unique to individual people and do not fit into one special diet or fitness program.