Physical Computing

Workshop challenge

The challenge we have set for you is to connect some electrical components to a micro:bit for physical computing.

Simple circuits

A simple electrical circuit to light up an LED will need a source of electrical power.

This would usually be a battery.


Some wires.

Computer Control

Computers are used to control billions of devices.  

A good example is the traffic light.

You are going to learn how to use a micro:bit computer to control a light.

The light you control will be a red LED.

Connecting an LED to the micro:bit

The micro:bit edge strip has five holes called pins for connecting external electrical components. 

Wires are held in the pins using plastic pegs called micro:pegs.

The images below show how to connect a wire to a pin using a micro:peg.

Activity 1

Connect the red LED to the micro:bit as follows:

Copy the picture below.

Push the pegs in firmly so they do not fall out.

Activity 2

In the MakeCode editor, create the code below.

Activity 3

Download the code to the micro:bit and test it.

If the red light starts to flash.
