Burglar alarm

Workshop challenge

The challenge we have set for you is to create a computer controlled burglar alarm.

Alam Specification

The alarm must have an on/off switch so that it can be deactivated.

If activated, the alarm is triggered by the burglar standing on a pressure sensor.

Once triggered, the alarm must sound and continue to sound until it has been reset by the homeowner either by pressing a secret button or by entering a four digit pin number.

When reset the alarm will fall silent and the message ‘alarm reset’ will be displayed.

Pressure Pad

The pressure pad burglar sensor is a simple switch which is operated when a burglar steps on it. 

The pressure of the burglar's weight pushes two foil contacts together. This completes the circuit, giving an input through the wires to pin 0 and the 6V pin.

The wires are connected to the micro:bit with micro:pegs.

You have been provided with some instructions and the materials to make a pressure pad. 


Carefully follow the instructions and then connect your pressure pad to your micro:bit.


The micro:bit turns on pin2, the buzzer output which is the alarm.

The micro:bit is programmed to stay on even when the burglar moves their foot.


The alarm is reset by pressing buttons A and B on the micro:bit.

Burglar alarm code