micro:bit STEM Workshops

This is a 'touring' workshop and will be delivered in a classroom at your school.

The Workshop will be tailored around any primary school that already uses micro:bits and would like to know how to extend their use into a STEM scheme of work. 

We can adapt the workshop for a primary school that is not yet using the fabulous micro:bit and would like to know how to introduce them into a STEM curriculum.

The workshops last between one and one and a half hours to fit in with your school's timetable.

The children will work in pairs and the host school will need to provide a laptop or chrome book with access to the internet for each pair of children.

A typical session, contains a mixture of problem solving and program development, and will include:

There is no charge for the workshop.

The workshops will take place in June from Monday 17th to Friday 21st.

Graham Hastings

Head of Computing

St John's College School
