
Sacraments of Initiation These sacraments lay the foundation of every Christian life. 

Baptism Brings a person into the Church and cleanses them of Original Sin. Symbols: Water, holy oils, white garment, Easter candle, white candle for newly baptized

Confirmation Strengthens the power of Baptism and gives the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Symbols: Chrism for anointing, Fire, & Holy Spirit

Eucharist The person receives Jesus in the form of bread and wine and helps to strengthen their relationship with Christ and to avoid sin. Symbols:Bread & wine

Sacraments of Healing These sacraments celebrate the healing power of Jesus. 

Reconciliation Forgives a person’s sins and helps guide them to avoid sinning less. Symbols: Stole

Anointing of the Sick Strengthens the Person’s body and helps heal them and alleviate their pain. Symbols: Oil of the Sick for anointing

Sacraments at the Service of Communion These sacraments help members serve the community. 

Matrimony A man and woman who are called together to live their lives together as one, to bear children, and to service the Church as a family. Symbols: Wedding rings

Holy Orders When one is called to serve the Church as Jesus did. This is different compared to other sacraments as it is given in parts. The parts being Diaconate (Deacon) Presbyter (Priest) and Episcopate (Bishop) Symbols: Chrism for anointing; vestments for newly ordained


Every Parishioner needs to be Registered in the Parish. Registration in our parish is a requirement for all individuals seeking sacraments whether it be Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation or Marriage. Only registered parishioners are allowed to celebrate these sacraments and other events like a Quinceañera or Sweet Sixteen Mass.

All parishioners need to be registered, using their offertory envelopes, and attending Mass on a regular basis for at least three months before enrolling in our Religious Education Program or seeking any form of religious celebration. Please take a moment to stop by the Parish Office and complete a parish registration information card and schedule yourself to attend a parish Registration & Orientation Meeting!


Todo feligrés debe de estar Registrado en la Parroquia. Registración en nuestra parroquia es un requisito para todas las personas que buscan recibir un sacramento, ya sea Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación o Matrimonio. Sólo los feligreses registrados pueden celebrar estos sacramentos y otros eventos como una Quinceañera o Misa de Dieciséis Años.

Todo feligrés debe registrarse, utilizar sus Sobres de Ofertorio y asistir a Misa de forma regular por lo menos tres meses antes de inscribirse en nuestro Programa de Educación Religiosa o búsqueda de cualquier celebración religiosa. Tómese un momento para llegar a la Oficina Parroquial y completar una tarjeta de información de registro y planear asistir a una Junta de Orientación & Registración Parroquial.