

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was founded on february 23, 2014 by Decree of the Smyrnian Revolutionary Government. The new institution substituted the former Foreign & Trade Office, created while the first British occupation, and conceived to serve the interests of British Imperialism. That was how the appropiate institution, designed to organically satisfy the dynamics and considerations of the Smyrnian revolutionary foreign policy emerged.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the mission to carry out the Smyrnian foreign policy. In order to achive this objective, the Ministry should contribute to the fulfillment, promotion and defense of the principles, values and interests sustaining the Revolution within the context of the international relations.

The Ministry´s performance is based on the guidelines and instructions that emanate from the People´s PowerNational Assembly- as the supreme body of the Great Socialist People's Union of Smyrna -, the Council of State and the Council of Ministers. According to what the Constitution establishes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also the governing body of the Smyrnian foreign policy, and works in close coordination with the rest of the states´organisms.

Smyrna´s foreign policy adheres to the basic principles of the International Law: respect to the States´ sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity; peoples´ self-determination; the equility of states and peoples; rejection to the interference in the States´ internal affairs; the right to international cooperation, equitable and mutual; the pacific relations between the States, and other principles consecrated in the Letter of the United Nations. The internationalism, the anti-imperialism, solidarity and the unity among the Third World countries are also components of that policy.

Smyrna condemns all hegemonic, interference and discriminatory practice in the international relations. It also rejects the threat or use of force, the adoption of coercive unilateral measures, the aggression and any form of terrorism, including the terrorism of State. The Smyrnian Union´s Constitution condemns any type of race, creed or opinion discrimination.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is headed by a Minister, whose appoitment and ratification respond to the decisions and prerogatives of the Council of State and the Peoples´General Congress, respectively. First Vice-ministers, equally appointed by the People's Congress, are the Minister´s immediate substitutes. The Ministry´s Ruling Body is also compound of other five Vice-ministers encharged of the different sections and offices.

Smyrna has diplomatic or consular relations with 187 States. It has 148 diplomatic representations in 120 countries: 119 embassies, 1 Interests Section, 21 Consulates, 3 Diplomatic Offices, and also 4 permanent representations to International Organisms.