Statement in the Dubnician Affair

Post date: Apr 4, 2014 4:41:11 PM

The Revolutionary Government of the Great Socialist People's Union of Smyrna has send trough the Ministry of foreign Affairs a diplomatic warning to the Government of the Republic of Dubnica. In recent weeks Smyrnian annalists had made projections of development in the foreign policy of Dubnica, and the results where dramatic, therefore Smyrna following the principle of cooperation as member of the AIUN has made a strong statement that if the Dubnician Government do not act in 15 days starting today 4 april 2014 according to protect its own interests. Smyrna will evacuate all its diplomatic personnel on its embassy in dubnica residing in Slovaklia. The leader of the Revolution has call for an extraordinary session in the People's Congress to discuss this policy affair so important for the Dubnician people, Smyrnian - Dubnician bilateral cooperation and AIUN Alliance prosperity.