International Confidence Index

The International Security Index / International Confidence Index (ICI) of the Smyrnian Government indicate internationally levels of liability and stability of micronations, micronational entities and micronational individuals non recognized by Smyrna that attempts to the national security or is known of historic aggressions to Smyrnian interests.



1- "Antares" recognized as a terrorist organization

the proclaimed "Republic of Antares" , "Govern d'Antares" is a proclaimed micronational entity with erratic unstable international policy. argues of the "unique" type of micronational procedure. Instigation, intolerance and provocation has been their Modus Vivendi.

web page: Twitter: @GovAntares

2- "República de Estuardo" recognized as a terrorist organization

The proclaimed "República de Estuardo del Sur" is a micronational entity that was born at 1 February 2016 after a simulated Coup against the "legitimateStuart Republic" . characterized of

by simulations that damage the micronational reputation of serius intentions.

web page: none Twitter: @StuartRepublic

3- "Fitberland, Arizoce, Arizo, Thermopol, Cherniv" recognized as a terrorist organization

Cherniv, formerly known as Arizo Thermopol, Arizoce and Fitberland is an unstable micronational attempt controlled totally by subject Raul Torres that in various occasions has been known of changing name , political structure , symbols, leaders etc. with no understandably reasons. Smyrna understands those activities as an offense to the real and serious work of micronations that day by day construct a better political proposal to the world.

Web page: none Twitter : @RaulGovVerd @Chernivgov

4- "Reino de Wikonga e Indias Orientales Españolas" recognized as a terrorist organization

* Governed by a gang of Catholic religous fanatics.


*It has been characterized by diplomatic approaches with hidden intentions.

*It is characterized by having historical Hispanic bases of reference.

*At the beginning, it intends to carry out bilateral cooperation and a national union, but the real objective is to create a colony from the receiving nation.

*It uselessly defends the benefits of the Hispanic heritage of the continent while ignoring the great crimes committed in the name of the Iberian flag and the Catholic religion.

*Has unsuccessfully tried to create division, tension and conflict after Smyrna's parliament decided to permanently cancel the negotiations taking place at that time with Wikonga.

Web page:

Twitter : @WikongaG @OrgMECC @leSpectat @OMECC_Senate_

5- "Jutlandia" recognized as terrorist organization.

Governed by "Jaime Claudio Fernandez" (Filibuster) multiple identities:

AKA names: Jaime Claudio , Santiago Lares, Carlos Rosado Colomer, Enrique Zaragoza Falcón, Luis Montalvo, José Rivera, Ahiezel Carmona.

A Puerto Rican micronational anarchist, mentally unstable and identity forger with possible residence in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

* The individual Jaime (AKA names) forcibly attempted to open diplomatic relations aggressively

with Smyrna.



MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS / CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, please contact The State Department for the report of the account's user names.

6- Reino de Paraguay del Norte recognized as a terrorist organization.

*They were easily deceived by an injury created and planned by Jutland (Jutlandia).

*They lent themselves to be part of an attempt to sabotage the imperial institutions of Smyrna.

*They shared edited and doctored photos of a fake conversation to the CMLOE dialogue group in order to create discord and disorder.

*They arbitrarily blocked the official Smyrna accounts that were within the CMLOE dialogue group, temporarily causing Twitter to expel them.

SCREENSHOT from the message received directly at the CMLOE twitter account.

Web page: NONE

Twitter: @InfoRempel

7- República de Nogoria / José L. recognized as a terrorist organization and as a micronational terrorist respectively.

  • Governed by the Offender José L. and has been caracterized by erratic and impulsive actions and speeches damaging the serious micronational work.

  • Offender José Léon is known to react as an boy with absolute no experience in international law.

Twitter: @DeNogoria @Nogoriaprimerm