Mathematics is the study of topics such as space, quantity, structure, and change and the problems are solved by using numbers and equations. There are four common ways of working out numbers and they are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Addition is a mathematical problem that rerepresent the operation of adding numbers to a collection. It is signified by the plus sign (+). For example, in the picture above, the problem is 2 + 2 —meaning 2 add 2 more which makes it 4
Subtraction is a mathematical operation that represents the operation of removing objects from a collection. It is signified by the minus sign (−). For example, in the picture above, the problem 8 − 4 —meaning 8 take away 4, which leaves the answer with 4.
The multiplication of whole numbers may be thought as a repeated addition; that is, the multiplication of two numbers is equivalent to adding as many copies of one of them, the multiplicand, as the value of the other one, the multiplier. Normally, the multiplier is written first and multiplicand second. For example, 2 X 6 —meaning 2 added by itself 6 times (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2) which makes the answer 12
Division is the opposite of multiplication where the numbers are split. For example, 12 ÷ 3 —meaning 12 divided by 3 where 12 is subtracted three times and the answer is based on the number in each subracted group. And it makes the number 4
Remember, the most important skill in mathematics is to understand what you're doing rather than just to get the correct answer