
Adnan Marquez Borbon

His research mainly focuses on the development of skill with digital musical interactions and how this process informs the design of new musical devices. His music involves improvisation and electronic manipulation of sounds in real-time. Influenced by jazz, free improvisation, western European concert music, electronic and ethnic musics, his improvisations and compositions attempt to synthesize these diverse elements into a very personal style.

Alberto Leopoldo Moran y Solares

Projects include: Design model of virtual environments for upper limb motor rehabilitation of stroke patients, User experience assessment using brain biometric sensors, User experience assessment of a vision-based system for upper extremity stroke rehabilitation, Design and development of usable cognitive systems for the worried-well, Context-aware notifications in support for coordinated care in critical healthcare environments

Alfredo Sánchez

He Supervised work and published in areas related to HCI, natural user interfaces, information visualization and affective computing.

Ali Sarvghad

His main research interests include visual analytics, information visualization, personal visualization, human-computer interaction and user experience. He is also interested in interdisciplinary research that bring psychological and cognitive sciences theories and principles into visual data analysis domain. His work on provenance investigates the use of analysis history for providing proximal cues for navigating information spaces.

Ariel Molina Rueda

He has designed and installed several commercial projects with interactive surfaces and multi sensory arrangements.

Bill Griswold

His research in this area largely comprises two topics, infrastructure for ubiquitous computing and the invention of new programming tools, most recently in the area of aspect-oriented software development. The latter is often aided the application of leading-edge compiler technology.

Claudia Lizbeth Martínez González

Her Projects include research in health and education applications with interactive and ubiquitous systems with a systemic and transdisciplinary approach. She has worked on topics such as biological signals features extraction, medical diagnosis support, learning objects for therapeutic education (e.g, support system for psychomotricity in cerebral palsy, to approach features to determine epileptic seizure onset in electrical brain activity data, the development of a wearable device to register temperature and heart frequency as non-brain signals to monitor seizure activity, and so on).

Cuauhtémoc Rivera Loaiza

He has worked in Human-computer interaction , he has been exploring the effects of technology in the migration phenomenon between Mexico and the USA. He has been advisor of several teams competing in student design competitions (our team is the current champion of MEXIHC SDC). aside from HCI, He has been actively involved in the development of mobile applications.

Jessica Beltrán Márquez

She has worked with image and audio processing. Recently,She has worked with a visualization tool for geriatric residences. Currently,She has been working with pervasive health problems.

Jesus Favela

He has been working on projects related to pervasive healthcare.

Laura Sanely Gaytán Lugo

She have been focusing in educational technologies, more specifically in serious games and child-computer interaction. As an example, Revoltijo, is a serious game that it is trying to improve reading global comprehension skill in third graders, using components like regional stories and brain teaser/puzzle. El Encanto, which is a game designed to train social work students that sometimes have problems to move or to go to some places or community that are not secure. She also have been working in projects related with user research at different levels. For example, She have been collaborating to develop and validate instruments to measure constructs like reading comprehension, tutorial, number sense, among others; this is depending on what kind of skill we are trying to improve.

Lizbeth Escobedo

She has been working on projects related to: Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, Cognitive Assistive Technologies, Child Computer Interaction for Autism

Luis A. Castro

He has been working on a project called InCense, which is used for mobile sensing in populations of mobile phone users

Maria Victoria Meza Kubo

Her projects include, the project "Brain interfaces for cognitive stimulation in patient with ECV "

Marina Alvelais Alarcón

Her projects include the design of Technology for autism and older adults In multidisciplinary teams in CETYS UNIVESRITY & CICESE. Behavioral assessments, Impact measurement and usability studies

Monica Tentori

She investigates the human experience of ubiquitous computing to inform the design of ubiquitous environments that effectively enhance humans’ interactions with their world. Her research intersecting human-computer interaction and ubiquitous computing particularly focuses on designing, developing, and evaluating natural user interfaces, self-reflection capture tools, and new interaction models for ubiquitous computing. Her work is being applied to healthcare and urban living to support the needs of urban citizens, hospital workers, elders, and individuals with autism and their caregivers.

Nadir Weibel

He works on Human-Centered Computing is situated at the intersection of computer science, cognitive science and the health sciences. He is a computer scientist who investigates tools, techniques and infrastructure supporting the deployment of innovative interactive multimodal and tangible devices in context, and an ethnographer using novel methods for studying and quantifying the cognitive consequences of the introduction of this technology in the everyday life.

René F. Navarro

His research is on the implementation of non-pharmacological interventions for people with dementia using ambient intelligence technologies. The care of people with dementia demand personalized strategies and interventions to deal with behavioral and physiological symptoms that are specific for each person. His work includes the development of an ontological model for problematic behaviors to personalize non-pharmacological interventions provided through an ambient assisted intervention system.

Vivian Genaro Motti

She has been working with wearable applications (smartwatches) to aid in healthcare and education purposes. For instance, in the Wearable Life project, she investigates how to support students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to become more independent in their educational activities. The project adopts a user-centered design approach to understand users' needs and support them in an unobtrusive manner. She have conducted user studies, interviews and focus groups, designed and developed the application and evaluated it with end users.