First off, welcome to SSmith Designs! This is a personal website dedicated to a hobby of mine: graphic design. I will post various pieces of work here, mostly personal projects done in my free time, with other projects mixed in for good measure. 

Everyone has their own origin story. Some are graphic design majors, others got hooked on design from a young age. For me, it was a winding road, incorporating the 2004 Summer Olympics, my young fascination in flags, my involvement in sports, and my eventual discovery of the world of design. Since my middle school years, I have dabbled in design, growing from sketching on Post-Its to tinkering on a computer.

Currently, I am a senior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, majoring in education, although I call the Denver, Colorado area home. I continue to involve myself with graphic design in my free time, although you can also find me being active, immersing myself in some Destiny or Assassin's Creed, or watching my favorite sports teams. I also love engaging in a good round of trivia, or diving into my studies.

I hope you enjoy scrolling through the site, and I will continue to add more concepts when I can. 

Also, be sure to follow my Instagram @SSmith_Designs

Here's to the Good Life!

-Stephen Smith

All work is property of SSmith Designs
