2014 Own the CC Research Requirements

photo of participants


Spotlight Sharing Session (tried and true lessons)

NYLA/SSL 2014 Carol A. Kearney Educational Leadership Institute: August 4-5

Own the Common Core Research Requirements

Whether your district is adopting, adapting or abandoning the modules, the research requirements in the Common Core State Standards are key to student success—and that is your key to leadership in your school

A two days of hands-on, student-centered learning! This Institute prepared new and seasoned school librarians to return to their buildings with practical ideas and the confidence to meet the demands of the NYS Common Core Research Requirement. Presentations from seasoned, "in the trenches" school librarians, and break-out time that allowed for elementary and secondary groupings to build expertise and leadership to take the CC research requirements on with confidence.


*presenter's biographies reflect their 2014 teaching positions

Paige Jaeger facilitates 84 libraries for WSWHE BOCES. She has been a librarian at both the elementary and secondary levels. Paige writes frequently for School Library Journal and other professional journals on topics such as the Common Core and Inquiry Based Learning. Her first book, Rx for the Common Core, co-authored with Mary Ratzer, was recently published by Libraries Unlimited. She calls herself aCybrarian and a lemon loaf aficionado.

Michelle Luhtala is the library department chair at New Canaan High School in Connecticut. An SLJ/LJ Mover and Shaker and an ALA/Carnegie “I Love My Librarian” award winner, she also facilitates a professional learning community for nearly 6, 000 school librarians and technology integrators at edWeb.net/emerging tech.

With facilitators:

Jill Leinung, NYLA/SSL President-elect and Legislative Chair, is a school librarian at East Greenbush Central School District. Jill and her 1st grade teaching partner, Linda Kaminski, have presented a collaborative unit entitled “The Hudson River, A Journey into Inquiry and the Common Core” at the Teaching the Hudson Valley Summer Institute, The New York State Outdoor Educator’s Association Conference and The New York State Elementary Classroom Teachers Association plus other venues.

Sue Kowalski is the middle school librarian at Pine Grove MS in the East Syracuse Minoa School District. Sue is an active leader with NYLA/SSL, ALA, and AASL. Pine Grove Library received the AASL National School Library Program of the Year award in 2011. Sue was named an "I Love My Librarian" recipient in 2012 by ALA/Carnegie and is passionate about empowering leadership through the school library program.

Rebecca Buerkett, NYLA/SSL secretary, is the school librarian and technology coordinator at L.P.Quinn Elementary School, a public school in Tupper Lake, NY. In addition to presenting at conferences,Rebecca publishes articles in School Library Monthly, Knowledge Quest, and The School Librarian’s Workshop. Rebecca has been on her district’s Inquiry Team tasked with implementing the Common Core

Susan Polos is an elementary librarian in the Bedford School District and will be NYLA/SSL president in 2016-17. Her school district piloted the NYLA/SSL/SLSA School Librarian Evaluation Rubric.

Note to administrators:

The Institute focused on use of the NYS CC research requirements, inquiry processes, the Empire State Information Fluency Continuum, database resources, online access to higher level reading resources and creativity, we will model what Common Core research projects and lessons should look like.

The 2014 NYLA/SSL Institute, Own the Common Core Research Requirements, trained librarians with simple turnkey spotlights for meeting Common Core objectives.

Led by Michelle Luhtala, Paige Jaeger and a team of building-level facilitators, participants exited ready to assist teachers in "repackaging" and aligning their lessons and research projects to embrace deep learning, complex text integration, application strategies, and independent research initiatives.